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2005 Vol. 25, No. 05
Published: 2005-05-26

641 Studies on the Hyperfine Structures of I2 Absorption Line with Third Harmonic Frequency Stabilization in Nd:YVO4-KTP Ring Laser
ZHANG Hui1, PENG Yue-xiang2, ZANG Er-jun3
The experiment for research on the hyperfine structure of I2 absorption lines with third harmonic frequency stabilization in Nd:YVO4-KTP ring laser has been done. The hyperfine structures of two lines have been observed and the results are comparable with the theoretical calculations. One of the two lines is R(70) 36-1 is the transition of the excited state.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 641-643 [Abstract] ( 993 ) PDF (386 KB)  ( 370 )
644 Study of New XeCl Laser with Short Duration Time and Preionzation at High Pressure
REN Ren1,2, CHEN Chang-le2, XU Jin3, ZHU Shi-hua2,JING Ke-xin2, REN Da-nan4, WANG Yong-cang2, YUAN Xiao2, SONG Zhou-mo2
New short duration time XeCl excimer laser has been generated at high pressure within a large volume in order to apply it to the interaction between laser and material, and material plasma study. The laser spectrum exhibits two laser lines at 307.98 and 308.19 nm, which is realized in the proportion of HCl∶Xe∶He=0.1%∶1%∶98.9% through UV preionization. Theoretic analysis indicated that the maximum intensity loop is B to X grade. Not only UV preionization, glow discharge and the calculation of dynamic equation, but also the laser spectrum and pulse duration time measurement were carried out. It is shown that the duration time decreases and pulse energy rises with the increase in the pressure and discharge voltage. The minimum duration time exceeds 13 ns, the pulse energy is 450 mJ, and the beam divergence angle is 3 mrad.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 644-647 [Abstract] ( 1066 ) PDF (434 KB)  ( 356 )
648 Study on Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SDS) Induced Fluorescence Enhancement of Rhodamine 6G in Water Solution Excited by 532 nm Laser
HE Ying-hong, CHENG Juan, ZUO Hao-yi, YANG Jing-guo*
It is reported that the Rhodamine 6G fluorescence in water solution changes with different concentration SDS excited by a 532 nm laser. A small amount of SDS in Rhodamine 6G water solution will reduce the intensity of fluorescence. More SDS enhances R6G fluorescence. The enhancement ratio can reach up to 3.1 when SDS concentration is 6×10-2 mol·L-1 in 5×10-5 mol·L-1 R6G water solution. Dye laser threshold decreases when SDS concentration is 2×10-2 mol·L-1 in 1×10-4 mol·L-1 R6G water solution. The physical mechanism of the phenomena is analyzed by the absorption spectra of different concentration R6G water solutions and the fluorescence spectra of R6G water solutions adulterated with different concentration SDS.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 648-650 [Abstract] ( 1187 ) PDF (334 KB)  ( 341 )
651 Study of Water-Sol Core-Shell CdSe/CdS Quantum Dots
TENG Feng,TANG Ai-wei,GAO Yin-hao,LIANG Chun-jun,XU Zheng, WANG Yong-sheng
Water-sol core/shell CdSe/CdS quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized in aqueous solution by using mercapto-acetate acid as stabilizer. The UV-Vis absorption and emission spectra were studied. The size of the SdSe-core was about 2 nm estimated by absorption edge and X-ray powder diffraction(XRD). The structure was also characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS). The intensity of luminescence of the quantum dots was greatly enhanced after the surface was modified with CdS shell. Red shift of the peak was shown in both the emission and absorption spectra.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 651-654 [Abstract] ( 1635 ) PDF (427 KB)  ( 352 )
655 Doppler Effect on Width of Characteristic Line in Plasma Induced by Pulsed Laser Ablating Al
SONG Yi-zhong1, 2,HE An-zhi1
Aluminum (Al) plasma was induced with a pulsed Nd: YAG laser beam ablating Al target in Ar. Time-resolved information of the plasma radiation was taken with time-resolved technique, and the spectra of the radiation were recorded with an optical multi-path analyzer (OMA Ⅲ), whereupon, time-resolved spectra of the plasma radiation induced by pulsed laser were acquired. Based on the experiment data, Al resonant double lines, Al Ⅰ 396.15 nm, Al Ⅰ 394.40 nm, were respectively fitted with Lorentz, Gauss and their linear integrated function (abbr. Integrated function), whereupon, Lorentz and Gauss elements were separated from the experiment data profile curve. By contrasting Lorentz with Gauss curve separated, it was found that the experiment curve mainly consisted of Lorentz element, a with little Gauss. By contrasting Lorentz with Integrated fitting curve for experiment data, a visual picture of the characteristic lines broadened by Doppler effect was exhibited. According to the visual picture, the increase of full half-high width of the characteristic line broadened by Doppler effect was estimated. It was about 2×10-3-8×10-3 nm, approximating the theoretical value 6.7×10-3 nm. As a result, Doppler effect on the width of characteristic lines in the plasma could be reasonably explained by curve fitting analysis and theoretical calculation.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 655-659 [Abstract] ( 410 ) PDF (444 KB)  ( 393 )
660 Direct Sensitization Up-Conversion Mechanism from Yb3+ to Ho3+ and Tm3+ in Fluoride
ZHANG Xiang-hua,LIU Zheng-wei,XIAO Si-guo
The direct sensitization up-conversion processes from Yb3+ to Ho3+ and Tm3+ in fluoride were studied. The properties of the up-converted spectra of Yb3+/Ho3+ and Ho3+/Yb3+/Tm3+ co-doped fluorides pumped by a 980 nm laser were compared. Their up-conversion mechanism has been analyzed and discussed. Two strong up-conversion luminescence bands have been observed, which were the transitions of 5F45S2(Ho3+)→5I8(Ho3+)in the Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped fluoride system and 3H4(Tm3+)→3H6(Tm3+) in the Ho3+/Yb3+/Tm3+ co-doped fluoride system. The addition of Tm3+ into Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped fluoride decreases the up-converted emission intensities of Ho3+ in the visible region.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 660-664 [Abstract] ( 684 ) PDF (474 KB)  ( 336 )
665 Luminescence Properties and Spectral Analysis of Long Phosphorescent Phosphors: Ba1-xCaxAl2O4: Eu2+, RE3+
LI Shao-xia, HE Da-wei*, CHENG Zheng-wei, LIU Duan-yang, LIU Chun-tang, WANG Chun-sheng
New long phosphorescent phosphors Ba1-xCaxAl2O4: Eu2+, RE3+(RE3+=Dy3+,Nd3+) with tunable color emission have been prepared by solid state reaction. The luminescence properties of the samples are discussed and analyzed. The emission spectra show that the tuning range of the color emission of the phosphors is between 498 and 440 nm, which is determined by x, under the excitation of UV. The wavelength of afterglow increases with increasing x until x equals 0.6, and when x equals 0.6, the luminescence property of Ba1-xCaxAl2O4: Eu2+, RE3+(RE3+=Dy3+,Nd3+) is similar to that of CaAl2O4: Eu2+, RE3+. The XRD measurements were performed to investigate the single phase states of the samples, and it was found that the single phase limit in the phosphors is below an x value of 0.4. The thermoluminescence curves imply that the traps in the hosts are different with different x value, which well explains the varying delay time of the samples.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 665-668 [Abstract] ( 1606 ) PDF (453 KB)  ( 362 )
669 The Study of Electroplex Emission Based on PVK/BCP
TENG Feng, WANG Yuan-min, XU Zheng, WANG Yong-sheng
Electroplex emission based on poly(N-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) and 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (BCP) has been studied. A emission peak at 595 nm was observed in EL spectrum but not in PL spectra in the devices. The emission originates from the transition between the excited state of BCP and the ground state of PVK. Because of the increase of emission zone, the device of PVK∶BCP blend exhibited stronger electroplex emission. The emission of electronplex was enhanced for both of PVK/BCP double layer device and PVK∶BCP blend device, and it is stronger for blend devices. At higher drive voltage, only electroplex emission was observed in the blend device.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 669-671 [Abstract] ( 1400 ) PDF (341 KB)  ( 351 )
672 Study of Luminescence Ability of Organic White Light Emitting Diode by Light Conversion
WANG Jing, WANG Jin, MIAO Hong-li, YANG Ai-ling, ZHENG Rong-er, MENG Ji-wu
An organic luminescence material of white light was investigated. The organic luminescence film was made by heating and melting method. The film consists of riboflavin, anthrone derivative, and linear low-density polyethylene. The results show that the spectra of luminescence films were affected by weight ratio and heating time of the made films. The spectra were wide band from green light to red light. The organic white light emitting diodes made of this film have super performance.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 672-674 [Abstract] ( 1090 ) PDF (353 KB)  ( 415 )
675 Determination of I- by the ECL of Luminol in Neutral Medium
CHU Hai-hong, QI Ying-ying, XU Yang, HUANG Bing-qiang, TU Yi-feng*
Based on the studies of electrochemiluminescence(ECL) of luminol in neutral medium, the iodide would greatly sensitize the ECL of luminol. The ECL luminous intensity responded linearly to the concentration of iodide within the range of 3.8×10-7 mol·L-1 to 2.2×10-6 mol·L-1, and the detection limit is 4.0×10-8 mol·L-1. The mechanism of enhancement effect of iodide on luminol’s ECL is also discussed. The experimental results showed that it was a free radical procedure.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 675-677 [Abstract] ( 1046 ) PDF (309 KB)  ( 357 )
678 Determination of Dopamine Hydrochloride by a Reverse Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Method
WANG Shu-hao1, 2,DU Ling-yun1,WEI Xin-ting1,WANG Liang-yu1,ZHUANG Hui-sheng2
A novel chemiluminescence system coupled with a reverse flow injection analysis for the determination of dopamine hydrochloride was presented. It is based on the strong quench effect of dopamine hydrochloride on the chemiluminescence reaction between luminol and hexacyanoferrate(Ⅲ) under alkaline condition. Various factors affecting the chemiluminescence intensity of the system were investigated. The possible mechanism of the proposed method was also studied. The decrease of chemiluminescence intensity was linear with the dopamine hydrochloride content in the range of 2.0×10-9-8.0×10-7 g·mL-1, the detection limit of the method was 1.14×10-9 g·mL-1, and the relative standard deviation was 0.99%(4.0×10-7 g·mL-1, n=11). It was successfully used for the determination of the content of dopamine hydrochloride in dopamine hydrochloride injection.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 678-680 [Abstract] ( 562 ) PDF (363 KB)  ( 388 )
681 Studies on Nano-Diamond Prepared by Explosive Detonation by Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy
WEN Chao1,2, JIN Zhi-hao1, LIU Xiao-xin2,LI Xun2, GUAN Jin-qing2, SUN De-yu2, LIN Ying-rui2, TANG Shi-ying2, ZHOU Gang2, LIN Jun-de2
Nano-diamond was synthesized by TNT/RDX explosives detonation in a steel chamber and characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), laser Raman spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy. XRD results indicate that nano-diamond has cubic diamond structure. The parameter of unit cell of nano-diamond is 0.359 23 nm and is 0.72% larger than that of the bulk diamond. The high-density defects and other impurity atoms in the nano-diamond structure may lead to the large lattice constant. The examination results of Raman spectra show that the Raman band is broader and shifts to low frequency by 3 cm-1, because the size of nano-diamond reaches nanometer order. There is little graphite in the nano-diamond. There are two peaks in FTIR of the nano-diamond, which are characteristic peaks of diamond at 1 262 and 1 134 cm-1. Besides these two peaks, there are six peaks at 3 422, 1 643, 2 971, 2 930, 2 857 and 1 788 cm-1 respectively. The FTIR bands at 2 930 and 2 857 cm-1 are the antisymmetrical and symmetrical stretch vibration absorption spectra of CH2 respectively. The 3 422 cm-1 is the stretch vibration absorption peak of O—H. The 1 634 cm-1 confirms that there are H2O in the nano-diamond. The 2 971 cm-1 is the antisymmetrical stretch vibration absorption peak of CH3. The 1 788 cm-1 is the stretch vibration absorption peak of CO. These indicate that there are H and O elements in the nano-diamond. From the mechanism of the nano-diamond, the authors discuss the reason for the vibration absorption peaks of O—H, CH2, CH3, and CO, existing in the FTIR of the nano-diamond.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 681-684 [Abstract] ( 1666 ) PDF (473 KB)  ( 382 )
685 Computational Study on the Electronic Absorption Transitions for 2,3-Diaryl Maleic Anhydrides
WANG Qi1, LIU Ying2,3,ZHANG Mi-lin2, LIU Yue1, 3*
The electronic absorption transitions for 2,3-bis(2,4-dimethylthiophen-3-yl)maleic anhydride were calculated by time-dependent method with 6-31G(d) basis at structures optimized at B3LYP/6-31G(d) level. The S1, S2, and S3 transitions calculated for the open and the closed forms of the compound are 390, 360.5, 339.4; 584.6, 395.8, 370.2 nm, respectively. The results are comparable to the electronic absorption spectrum of 2,3-bis(2,4,5-trimethylthiophen-3-yl)maleic anhydride which bears extra methyl groups that should not have much effects on the spectrum. The oscillator strengths are well correlated to the spectrum peak heights.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 685-687 [Abstract] ( 403 ) PDF (268 KB)  ( 406 )
688 Monitoring All-Trans-Retinoic Acid-Induced Differentiation of HL-60 Cells by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
LIU Ming-jie1, WANG Zhao1, SUN Su-qin2, WU Qing-yu1
This study reports a new in vitro analytical method, based on Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, to monitor the myeloid differentiation process in human myeloblast leukemia HL-60 cells induced by all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA). The alteration of characteristic bands was identified in the differentiated cells, arising from proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Besides the changes in lipid content and plasma membrane fluidity, the most striking changes were observed in the region of nucleic acids and carbohydrates. The authors speculate that the glycosylation and phosphorylation of proteins and the hydrogen-bonding of nucleic acids were involved in differentiation. The spectral parameters were correlated with the differentiation index, as determined by NBT reduction assay. These results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy can be used to monitor the differentiation process of HL-60 cells.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 688-692 [Abstract] ( 1134 ) PDF (647 KB)  ( 342 )
693 FTIR Spectra-Principal Component Analysis of Phenetic Relationships of Huperzia Serrata and Its Closely Related Species
GUO Shui-liang1,2, LI Pei-ling1,FANG Fang1,HUANG Hua1,CHENG Cun-gui1
Huperzia serrata is an important medicinal plant. This species is rich in inner-specific variation with various closely related species, and their individuals are also small with few identification characters. In the present paper, the method of Fourier transform infrared spectrometer with an OMNI collector was applied to obtaining the infrared spectra of 16 leaf samples including Huperzia serrata and its five closely related species (Huperzia sutchueniana, Phlegmariurus mingchegensis, Lycopodium japonicum, Selaginella doederleinii, Selaginella heterostachys). Based on the indices of wave number-absorbance, the differences of the 16 infrared spectra were compared by the method of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that there is good correspondence between the position relationship of PCA three-dimensional plot of the samples based on the indices of wave number-absorbance of FTIR spectra and their phenetic relationship. Therefore, the infrared spectra could be applied to identifying the samples of Huperzia serrata and its closely related species.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 693-697 [Abstract] ( 1040 ) PDF (500 KB)  ( 380 )
698 Adsorption Behaviors of Chitosan and the Analysis of FTIR Spectra
HUANG Zhong-hua, SUN Xiu-yun, LI Yan, GE Wei, WANG Jun-de*
This paper studied the adsorption behavior of lab-made chitosan for acid dyeing waste water and basic dyeing waste waters, based on the effects of adsorbing time, deacetylation degree of chitosan, and pH of waste water. The results showed that the adsorption of basic fuchsin and saffron by the chitosan almost reached equilibrium state in 20 min. The adsorption capacities of the chitosan for dyes was comparable with activated carbon. Moreover,its dosages were only 2/3 of the latter. The adsorption process for Acid Red presented a dynamics character of first order reaction. FTIR spectroscopy was used to analyze the adsorption mechanisms of chitosan for different kinds of dyes. It was found that a great deal of hydroxide radicals in the chitosan molecule participated in the adsorption of basic fuchsin and saffron.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 698-700 [Abstract] ( 398 ) PDF (416 KB)  ( 380 )
701 Study on IR of Interaction of Three Modified-Starchs and Crystallization of Calcium Carbonate
DING Wei-jia,AN Ying-ge,YANG Lin,LIAO Zhao-jiang,ZHANG Xiu-ying,JIANG Kai
Three types of CaCO3 can be synthesized through biomimetic synthesis. In the present work, carboxymethyl-starch, etherified-starch, and phosphate-starch, used as organic matrices, were studied by FTIR. The result shows that the intensity of C—O peaks of the three modified-starchs changed. In addition, the intensity of C—O peaks was weakened or vanished obviously with the increase in time. The action mechanism of the modified-starchs and CaCO3 was briefly discussed.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 701-704 [Abstract] ( 1506 ) PDF (670 KB)  ( 418 )
705 Study of Flos Lonicerae in Local Herbs and Other Areas by FTIR Spectrum
ZHAO Hua-rong1, WEN Shu-min1, WANG Xiao-yan1, CHU Su-min2, HUO Xiao-jin3
The FTIR spectra of flos lonicerae(FL) in four different areas are analysed by FTIR and the comparison of local(Henan) FL and FL in other areas is also studied. The result shows that the FL in different areas have the different content of main effective substance, so their absorption frequency and form in FTIR spectra are different as well. There is an obvious difference between Sichuan and local FL in wave number and form. Although FL in Shandong is famous as local herbs, their spectra are different slightly. The FL in Hebei and Shandong have almost the same spectrum. The local FL has a weak peak at 1 734 cm-1, however, the FL in Shandong and Hebei don’t have. The local FL has a group of weak peaks at 1 522 cm-1 and others have stronger and independent absorption or split peaks at the same point. The peak forms of local herbs are sharp from 1 155 to 1 045 cm-1 while those of Shandong and Hebei are flat and split ones. Therefore, FTIR can be not only a fast and reliable method to identify local herbs, but also a method to monitor the cultivating process and to purify and restore the Chinese medicine.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 705-707 [Abstract] ( 1482 ) PDF (364 KB)  ( 360 )
708 Infrared Spectra Analysis of Chromium Cation Biosorbed by Biosorbent ZL5-2
LI Qiang, ZHANG Yu-zhen*,CHEN Ming
Biosorption of Cr(Ⅵ) by the novel biosorbent ZL5-2 produced by Agrobacterium.sp was studied, and infrared spectra of native, absorbing and desorbing ZL5-2 were compared. The initial pH was important for biosorption. The optimum effect on Cr(Ⅵ) biosorption was acquired within initial pH 0.5-1.5, then with the pH increasing, the effect on Cr6+ biosorption was reduced. The biosorption for Cr(Ⅵ) was a quick process, only within 10 min 65.4% Cr(Ⅵ) was biosorbed, and the biosorption was in equilibrium after 60 min, then all the Cr(Ⅵ) was biosorbed after 80 min. The absorbed Cr(Ⅵ) could be recovered by desorption, and the desorption rate reached 13.6%-67.9%. The absorbance peak around 3 400 cm-1, which reflected OH stretching vibration, moved about 8 cm-1, and its absorbance decreased; the absorbance peak around 2 900 cm-1 decreased, which reflected C—H stretching vibration; and the absorbance peak around 1 600 cm-1, which reflected amide Ⅰ group stretching vibration, moved about 13 cm-1, and its absorbance decreased. After desorption, the absorbance peaks which reflected OH and C—H were increased to the initial degree, and the absorbance peak which reflected NH and amide Ⅰ group did not increase. Therefore, authors presumed that the process of biosorption was reversible adsorption and irreversible adsorption simultaneously, however the reversible adsorption was more important in the biosorption.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 708-711 [Abstract] ( 1068 ) PDF (421 KB)  ( 341 )
712 Fourier Transform Infrared and Near-Infrared Raman Spectra of Human Red Blood Cell
FENG Shang-yuan1,2,CHEN Rong1,LI Yong-zeng1,YANG Wen-qin2,XIE Shu-sen1
The human red blood cell was studied by Fourier transform infrared and near-infrared Raman spectroscopy. The assignment of the characteristic groups of human red blood cell structure was basically confirmed. At the same time, the authors observed that the intensity of different Raman shift signal has different varying law when the power of laser is changing. Near-infrared laser Raman spectroscopy combined with infrared spectroscopy is an effective method to study the structure of human red blood cell.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 712-714 [Abstract] ( 1506 ) PDF (326 KB)  ( 391 )
715 Identification of Official Rhubarb Samples Based on IR Spectra and Neural Networks
TANG Yan-feng1, ZHANG Zhuo-yong1*, FAN Guo-qiang2, ZHU Hui-ju1,WANG Xin-yue1
The Fourier transform infrared (IR) spectrometry and neural networks have been used to identification of official and un-official rhubarb samples in the present work. The IR spectra were compressed by using wavelet transform and then were normalized prior to network training. Spectra with 700 data points were compressed to 44 variables, therefore, the training process of neural networks were speed up. 52 rhubarb samples in which 25 official and 27 unofficial rhubarb samples are included have been used to network modeling. The effects of neuron number in hidden layer and momentum parameter on classification have been investigated. Results showed that about 98 % rhubarb samples could be identified correctly when optimized parameters were used. This method can be useful for quality control in rhubarb-contained Chinese medicine production.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 715-718 [Abstract] ( 203 ) PDF (551 KB)  ( 354 )
719 Influence of Strain in the Si Cap Layer of Si/SiGe Heterostructure on Its Raman Spectra
XIAO Qing-hua,TU Hai-ling
Strained Si/SiGe heterostructure was prepared by high dose Ge ion implantation and a subsequent high temperature rapid thermal processing method. A 325 nm UV laser was used to analyze the Raman spectra of the strained Si cap layer. It was found that tensile strain in the Si cap layer can induce a shift toward lower frequency of the first order Raman scattering peak of 520 cm-1. In light of the variation of peak position, a lateral tensile stress of 12.5×108 N·m-2 in Si cap layer was worked out. However, the tensile strain in the Si cap layer can not lead to a variation of the sub-order Raman scattering peaks around 1 555 and 2 330 cm-1.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 719-722 [Abstract] ( 1038 ) PDF (509 KB)  ( 350 )
723 Raman Spectroscopic Study of Human Tissues
LIU Gang1, LIU Jian-hong2, ZHANG Lin3, YU Fan4, SUN Shi-zhong2
Raman spectroscopy has been applied to the investigation of human thyroid, lung, oviduct, ovarian, cervical, and uterine tissues. Thyroid and uterine tissues exhibit more Raman bands than the other tissues in the range from 500 to 3 500 cm-1 with 514.5 nm excitation, while lung and cervical tissue do not show any bands. In the range of 600-1 800 cm-1, uterine and ovarian tissues show only the Raman features of carotenoids near 1 004, 1 158, and 1 520 cm-1. Remarkable differences between normal and follicular carcinoma samples of thyroid were observed by the absence of characteristic bands at 1 585 and 1 634 cm-1 in the latter. The spectral intensity of lung cancerous sample is much lower than that of normal sample, by which normal and malignant samples can be discriminated. The results indicate that Raman spectroscopic technique will play an important rule in clinical diagnosing.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 723-725 [Abstract] ( 1061 ) PDF (389 KB)  ( 373 )
726 The Structure and Properties of Self-Assembly Complex LB Films of Silver Nanoparticles
GUO Li-jun, XING Qian, LIU Xiu-lian, HUANG Ya-bin, MO Yu-jun
The structure and properties of Ag self-assembly films have attracted much attention in the past decade, which are to a large extent influenced by the structure and properties of the nanoparticles. In the present work, the single-layer and multi-layer complex films of silver nanoparticles and their absorbates were fabricated by using self-assembly technique. The interaction of silver nanoparticle and its absorbate was studied using absorption spectroscopy and surface enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy. The Raman enhanced properties of silver nanoparticles, and the structure and properties of the complex films were also investigated. The experimental results indicate that the interaction of octodecyl amic (OA) and silver nanoparticle takes place via the NH2 substitute and the active site on Ag, and there might exist photocatalysis under the laser excitation. In addition, the product from otcodecyl amic and stearic acid(SA) has a weak interaction with silver nanoparticle, which mainly takes place as spatial encumbrance in the self-assembly complex film.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 726-729 [Abstract] ( 1474 ) PDF (426 KB)  ( 402 )
730 Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Porous Coordination Polymer [Nd2(C6H8O4)3(H2O)2]n·n(4,4’-bpy)
ZHOU Qiu-xiang1,WANG Yan-ji1*,SONG Hai-bin2, ZHAO Xin-qiang1, YUE Lin1
A novel porous coordination polymer [Nd2(C6H8O4)3(H2O)2]n·n(4,4’-bpy) was synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis reaction of hexyl acid, 4,4’-bpy with NdCl3·XH2O. The structure was characterized by elemental analysis, thermal gravimetric analysis, IR spectroscopy, and X-ray single crystal analysis. The crystal data are of an orthorhombic crystal system, Pbcn space group. Crystallographic data are: a =2.201 2 nm(6), b=0.777 8 nm(2),c=1.972 4 nm(5), α=β=γ = 90°, V=337.70 nm(15)3, Z=4, Dc=1.796 g·cm-3, μ= 3.108 mm-1, F(000)=1 800, R1=0.043 0 and wR2=0.056 0. X-ray analysis reveals that three-dimensional porous nets were formed between Nd3+ and Nd3+ by carboxyl of hexyl acid.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 730-733 [Abstract] ( 1488 ) PDF (422 KB)  ( 397 )
734 Study on the Spectra of NTO and Its Rubidium Salt in Aqueous Solution
XIA Shu-ping1, 2, HU Man-cheng1, GAO Shi-yang1, 2,JIANG Yu-cheng1
In this paper, the Raman and difference FTIR spectra of NTO crystal, NTO solutions at different pH and saturated aqueous solution of Rb(NTO)·H2O have been studied. The determined structure of crystal suggests that the metal ion with oxygen and nitrogen atoms of CN, CNO2, CO and H2O formed bonds. The highest characterization peaks of Raman and FTIR spectra show that CNO2, CO and CN of NTO- formed week coordination bonds. The vibration spectra of saturation solution basically accord with those of the crystal. The bonds of saturation solution of the coordination compound have not changed. Therefore, the different vibration spectra of the saturation water solution of Rb(NTO)·H2O can be explicated by the formation of the bonds in crystal. The coordination compound formation mechanism of metal ion with NTO in alkali aqueous solution is discussed.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 734-738 [Abstract] ( 1102 ) PDF (520 KB)  ( 370 )
739 The Mechanism of Carbofuran Interacts with Calf Thymus DNA
ZHANG Li-jin1,MIN Shun-geng1,LI Guo-xue2,XIONG Yan-mei1,SUN Ying1*
Carbofuran is an insecticide used on a variety of corps. Acute and chronic occupational exposure of humans to carbofuran has been observed to cause cholinesterase inhibition, but little is known about the interaction of carbofuran with DNA. Using the technique of UV spectrum and fluorescence quenching respectively, the interaction between carbofuran and ct DNA was studied. The UV spectrum showed that ct DNA can lead to the hypochromic effect and red shift of the UV spectrum of carbofuran. The quenching process was proved to be the single static quenching and quenching constant decreases with temperature increasing. The basis of this specificity is intercalation of insecticide between base pairs to produce ct DNA-carbofuran adducts. Furthermore,ethanol can produce Franck-con-don effect on the ct DNA-carbofuran adducts. At different sodium chloride concentrations, quenching constant had no significant change, which appeared that there was little electrostatic interaction between ct DNA and carbofuran and it was intercalation.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 739-742 [Abstract] ( 428 ) PDF (482 KB)  ( 403 )
743 Studies on the Photo-Stability of Poly p-(Phenylene Vinylene)
LI Xiao-e1, 2, YAN Hong-tao1, DURRANT James R2
The photo-stability of both MDMO-PPV film and MEH-PPV film, as irradiated under different conditions, and in the presence and absence of oxygen and visible light luminance, were studied by UV-Vis spectra and fluorescence spectra respectively. The maximum absorbance of them was at 500 nm, while the maximum fluorescence intensity of them were at 580 and 589 nm, respectively. In the presence of both oxygen and light irradiation, the fluorescence intensity was decreased and the films were damaged. Photocatalysis oxidation technology using solid-state nanocrystalline TiO2-PVC film was introduced to increase the photo-stability and some meaningful clues were observed.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 743-746 [Abstract] ( 1561 ) PDF (419 KB)  ( 381 )
747 Study on the Interaction of Methyl Pheophorbide-a and Bovine Serum Albumins by Fluorescence
LIU Yong-ming,WANG Jin-jun,WU Xu-ran
The binding reaction of methyl pheophorbide-a with bovine serum albumins (BSA) in aqueous solution was studied by fluorescence and UV-Vis absorption spectra. The results indicated that the combination reaction of them was a single static quenching process. In aqueous solution, methyl pheophorbide-a strongly bound BSA with the apparent molar ratio of 2∶1 because of methyl pheophorbide-a polymerized by itself. The binding constant KB was 6.7×104 L·mol-1. In mixture solvent of tetrahydrofuran and water, methyl pheophorbide-a existed as single molecule and bound BSA with a molar ratio of 1∶1. There is single position for combining methyl pheophorbide-a with BSA. The shortest binding distance (r=3.50 nm) and energy transfer efficiencies (E=0.39) between donor (BSA) and acceptor (methyl pheophorbide-a) were obtained by Frster′s nonradiative energy transfer mechanism.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 747-750 [Abstract] ( 1607 ) PDF (513 KB)  ( 383 )
751 In Situ UV-Visible Absorption Spectrum Monitoring the Electrochemical Degradation of PAn Films
JIANG Chun-ming, ZHANG Hang-chang*, LIN Xiang-qin, BAI Ru-ke
Kinetic degradation process of PAn films during aniline polymerization was in situ monitored by UV-Visible absorption spectrum. The effects of anodic potential, acidity and monomer concentration on the degradation process were also investigated. The experiment results displayed that the more positive the anodic potential, the higher the acidity of the solution, the higher the concentration of aniline, the faster the PAn films degradation speed. Which was similar to the results obtained when the kinetic degradation process of PAn films was studied in blank solutions by cyclic voltammetry.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 751-753 [Abstract] ( 1146 ) PDF (381 KB)  ( 375 )
754 Determination of Deoxyribonucleic Acid with Acridine Orange by Resonance Light Scattering Technique
WAN Xin-jun1, LIU Jin-shui2, WANG Lun2*
The resonance light scattering (RLS) spectra of acridine orange with deoxyribonucleic acid have been studied. The RLS of acridine orange is greatly enhanced by deoxyribonucleic acid in pH 11. There is a resonance light scattering peak at 324 nm. Under optimal conditions, the linear ranges of the calibration curves are 7.5×10-8-9.8×10-6 g·mL-1 for Calf thymus DNA (ct DNA),3.1×10-8-7.3×10-6 g·mL-1 for Fish sperm DNA (fs DNA) with detection limits 20.8 ng·mL-1 for ct DNA and 20.5 ng·mL-1 for fs DNA. This method is simple, selectivity and sensitivity has been applied to the determination of deoxyribonucleic acid in mixed samples with satisfactory results.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 754-756 [Abstract] ( 1623 ) PDF (336 KB)  ( 337 )
757 Studies on the Ultraviolet Spectra of PU/PA Composite Emulsions
CHAI Shu-ling, YANG Li-yan, LI Xiao-meng, TAN Hui-min*
PUA composite particles were prepared by seeded surfactant-free emulsion polymerization, the polyurethane (PU) aqueous dispersions were used as seed particles. The studies on the UV spectra of PUA composite emulsions were carried out, the results showed that the maximum absorbance of n-π* transition evidently shifted to red wavelength with increasing the concentration of the aqueous PU seed dispersions; the UV absorbance of PU dispersions decreased with increasing the amounts of the hydrophilic chain-extender and increased with increasing the NCO/OH molar ratios; when the hydrophilic chain-extender was 7.5%, the UV absorbance of PUA composite emulsion reached the lowest, the type of initiators showed less influence on the absorbance of UV spectra of PUA composite emulsions. Moreover, the UV spectra of PU dispersions and the diameters of PUA composite emulsion particles were nearly correlative.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 757-760 [Abstract] ( 1501 ) PDF (441 KB)  ( 384 )
761 Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Air by Sequential Injection Spectrophotometry
CHEN Xu-wei, FAN Shi-hua*, WANG Shi-li
A sequential injection spectophotometric method for the determination of sulfur dioxide by decolorizing malachite green in an alkali medium is studied; the decreasing in color is proportional to the amount of sulfur dioxide. The loading sequence, the concentration of reagents, the amount of sample and the flow of reagent rate are optimized by univariate method. With sequential injection sample introducing, the volumes of sample and reagent are reduced greatly and the speed of determination is increased apparently, a throughput of 60 samples/h can be achieved. A liner calibration curve was obtained in range of 0.5-4.0 μg·mL-1. The determination limit is 0.15 μg·mL-1, the RSD and the recovery are 1.5% and 94%-108% respectively.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 761-764 [Abstract] ( 1097 ) PDF (458 KB)  ( 329 )
765 Study and Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Silver with Iodide-Victoria Pure Blue BO System
SHI Wen-jian, XU Fei, YU Yun
Analytical properties and spectra of naphthyl diphenymethane basic dyes and associated complexes of dye with [AgI2]- was studied. A new method for the spectrophotometric determination of trace amount of silver was developed. The method was based on the Victoria Pure Blue BO reacted with [AgI2]- to form blue associated complex in the buffer medium of H3PO4-NaH2PO4. The spectrophotometric measurements were directly carried out at 574 nm, the apparent molar absorptivity of associated complex was 7.25×104 L·mol-1·cm-1. The Beer’s law was obeyed in the range of 4-250 μg·L-1. The recoveries were in the range of 97.0%-98.3%. RSD was 2.7%. The method has been used to determination of trace silver in river water with satisfactory results.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 765-767 [Abstract] ( 444 ) PDF (358 KB)  ( 334 )
768 Study on Solid Phase Extraction and Spectrophotometric Determination of Uranium in Water with 2-(2-Quinolylazo)-5-Dimthylaminophenol
WANG Liang1, 2,YUAN Zhuo-bin1,2, HU Qiu-fen3, YANG Guang-yu3 , YIN Jia-yuan3
A new chromogenic reagent 2-(2-quinolylazo)-5-Dimthylaminophenol (QADMAP) was synthesized, and its structure was verified by elemental analysis, infrared spectrum, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum,mass spectrum and UV-spectrum. The color reaction of QADMAP with uranium was studied. In the presence of pH 7.8 buffer solution, when fluorin ion and Triton X-100 medium exist, QADMAP can react with uranium and fluorin to form a stable 1∶1∶1 stable complex [F-∶QADMAP∶U(Ⅵ)]. The molar absorptivity is 1.05×105 L·mol-1·cm-1 at 590 nm. Beer’s law is obeyed in range of 0-20 μg/10 mL. The uranium in samples can be enriched and separated by solid phase extraction with TBP resin cartridge. This method is applied to the determination of uranium in water sample. The relative standard deviations are 2.2%-3.6%, and the recoveries are 94%-105%.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 768-771 [Abstract] ( 1116 ) PDF (473 KB)  ( 384 )
772 Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Amount of Copper with Trimethoxyphenylfluorone in Microemulsion after Preconcentration and Separation by Sulphydryl Dextran Gel
WEI Qin1, DU Bin1, WU Dan1, OU Qing-yu2
In this paper, the color reaction of copper with trimethoxyphenylfluorone (TM-PF) in microemulsion has been studied. Copper (Ⅱ) reacts with TM-PF to form a stable 1∶2 complex at pH 10.40. Its apparent molar absorptivity is 1.46×105 L·mol-1·cm-1 at 552 nm. Beer’s law is obeyed in the range of 0-0.6 μg·mL-1. Sulphydryl dextran gel (SDG), in which sulphydryl group has a big share, is a new type of metallic ion adsorbent. It presents the advantage of higher adsorption capacity, better reuse ability and higher mechanical stability. So the coexistent metal ions can be separated effectively and copper can be enriched by SDG, greatly improving the selectivity and sensibility of the system. The method was used to determine trace amount of copper in blood, urine, iron ore and water samples with satisfactory results, the relative standard deviation is less than 4.8%, and the recovery is 94.2%-106%.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 772-775 [Abstract] ( 1494 ) PDF (452 KB)  ( 393 )
776 Mechanism and Kinetics Studies on the Degradation of Acid Orange 7
LIU Shi-heng1, WANG Shi-long1, SUN Xiao-yu1, LI Wen-zhe1, NI Ya-ming1, WANG Wen-feng2, WANG Min2, YAO Si-de2
The reactions of ·OH and e-aq with AO7 in aqueous solutions were studied by nano-second pulse radiolysis techniques. The transient absorption spectra were attributed and the second order reaction rate constants were determined by following the buildup kinetics of the transient absorptions. In combination with the analysis of the UV-Vis absorption changes of AO7 after γ-radiolysis, the underlying reaction mechanisms were elucidated.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 776-779 [Abstract] ( 520 ) PDF (525 KB)  ( 348 )
780 Effect of the Temperature of Solution on the Emission Intensity of ICP
HA Jing, CHEN Jin-zhong, WEI Yan-hong, GUO Qing-lin, HUAI Su-fang
The effect of solution temperature (20, 40 and 60 ℃) on the emission intensity of ICP has been studied. The results show that the spectrum intensity of the elements Ba, Cu and Zn increases obviously with increasing the solution temperature. In addition, at different solution temperatures, the rule of the variation of the intensity with both observation height and nebulizer gas pressure has been obtained, which indicates that the best observation location is lowered when increasing the temperature, but the best nebulizer gas pressure is augmented.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 780-782 [Abstract] ( 1610 ) PDF (384 KB)  ( 302 )
783 Determination of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, Fe and Mo in the Feather of Japanese Crested Ibis by ICP
ZHU Xiao-mei, HAN Sen
A method of simultaneous and direct determination of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr, Fe, Mo in the feather of Japanese crested ibis by ICP is reported, with precision and accuracy. The recovery is 95%-104%. This method is also simple and rapid.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 783-784 [Abstract] ( 1612 ) PDF (253 KB)  ( 359 )
785 Determination of Trace Beryllium in Geological Samples by Oxygen Doped Air-Acetylene Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
WU Shao-wei1, 2, YANG Xiao-qiu1,CHEN Wen-wu1, YANG Ming1, TANG Zhi-yong1, JIN Ze-xiang1*
A new method for the determination of trace beryllium in geological samples by oxygen-air-acetylene flame atomic absorption spectrometry is reported in the present paper. The optimum determination conditions were selected. When suitable amounts of 8-hydroxyquinoline are added, the interference effect from the coexisting elements can be minimized and the sensitivity for the determination of beryllium can be increased. The detection limit(k=3) is 0.006 μg·mL-1 for beryllium. The method has been applied to the determination of trace beryllium in geological standard samples, and the results are in good agreement with the certified values with a precision of 4.69% RSD(n=8).
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 785-787 [Abstract] ( 1441 ) PDF (446 KB)  ( 351 )
788 Determination of 23 Elements in Beverages by FAAS and ICP-MS
XU Zi-gang, TANG Mi-rao
23 elements in 11 kinds of beverages were determined by FAAS and ICP-MS. The effects of nitric acid and coexist elements on FAAS determination were studied and the experimental conditions were optimized. The results show that these beverages contain abundant inorganic elements like K, Na, Ca and Mg, which are important for human being. The content of trace elements As, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe are under the tolerance limit of GB standard.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 788-791 [Abstract] ( 434 ) PDF (375 KB)  ( 360 )
792 Determination of Trace Cadmium in Environment Water Samples by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Flow Injection On-Line Preconcentration with Double Microcolumns
KANG Wei-jun1,2, LIANG Shu-xuan2, JIA Li-hui3, XU Li-qin1, ZHAO Yan1, SUN Han-wen2
A rapid and sensitive methed for the determination of trace cadmium in environment water samples based on flow injection on-line preconcentration on two-microcolumn system-flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been developed. The cadmium in samples was sequentially retained on two microcolumns with cation exchange resin and was eluted directly in the nebulizer by 1.5 mol·L-1 HCl solution. The characteristic concentration (preconcentration time 1 min) for cadmium was 0.931 μg·L-1. The relative standard deviation at the 5 μg·L-1 level was 2.69% and the corresponding detection limit (3σ) was 0.808 μg·L-1. The method has been successfully applied to the determination of cadmium in water reference material GBW08608 and other water samples.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 792-795 [Abstract] ( 1121 ) PDF (448 KB)  ( 440 )
796 Determination of Eight Elements in Dongjiang River Sand by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
SHEN Mei,MA An-de
Eight kinds of microelements (Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe, Na, Co, Mg and K) in Dongjiang river sand were detected and analysed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry(FAAS). The method is simple and rapid with good precision and accuracy, and eliminates the interference effectively. The regression equation and the correlation coefficient were calculated. Correlation coefficients were 0.994-1.000. The samples were digested with HNO3-HF-H2O2. The results showed that Dongjiang river sand contained abundant microelements. The content order is Na>K>Fe>Mg>Mn>Zn>Co>Cu with Na being the highest and Cu the lowest. This paper provides useful evidence for studying the health care effect of Dongjiang river sand on human body.
2005 Vol. 25 (05): 796-798 [Abstract] ( 1090 ) PDF (336 KB)  ( 340 )