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2021 Vol. 41, No. 09
Published: 01 September 2021

2657 Estimation of Potato Above Ground Biomass Based on Hyperspectral Images of UAV
LIU Yang, ZHANG Han, FENG Hai-kuan, SUN Qian, HUANG Jue, WANG Jiao-jiao, YANG Gui-jun
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2657-08
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2657-2664 [Abstract] ( 283 ) RICH HTML PDF (3692 KB)  ( 138 )
2665 Study on Fluorescence and Raman Spectral Characteristics of Lipstick
SHEN Yi-jun, YANG Zi-chen, WANG Ting-yu, WANG Cheng-wei, LI Lei, CHEN Guo-qing
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2665-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2665-2669 [Abstract] ( 250 ) RICH HTML PDF (5062 KB)  ( 99 )
2670 Research Progress on Evaluating the Effects of Nanomaterial-Based Development of Latent Fingerprints
LI Ming, NI Long, WANG Meng, ZHU Zhong-xu, YUAN Chuan-jun, WU Jian
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2670-11
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2670-2680 [Abstract] ( 247 ) RICH HTML PDF (4300 KB)  ( 107 )
2681 Review of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in Gas Detection
HE Ya-xiong, ZHOU Wen-qi, KE Chuan, XU Tao, ZHAO Yong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2681-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2681-2687 [Abstract] ( 256 ) RICH HTML PDF (1709 KB)  ( 272 )
2688 Application Progress of Cavity-Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy (CEAS) in Atmospheric Environment Research
CHEN Dong-yang, ZHOU Li, YANG Fu-mo, WANG Wei-gang, GE Mao-fa
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2688-08
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2688-2695 [Abstract] ( 439 ) RICH HTML PDF (1180 KB)  ( 430 )
2696 Non-Destructive Identification of the Heat-Damaged Kernels of Waxy Corn Seeds Based on Near-Ultraviolet-Visible-Shortwave and Near-Infrared Multi-Spectral Imaging Data
WANG Dong, HAN Ping, WU Jing-zhu, ZHAO Li-li, XU Heng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2696-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2696-2702 [Abstract] ( 266 ) RICH HTML PDF (3654 KB)  ( 146 )
2703 Determination of Lithium, Iron and Phosphorus in Carbon Composite Lithium Iron Phosphate by Perchloric Acid Digestion-Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry
ZHANG Bin-bin, LI Jing-bin, WANG Shi-ning, HE Peng-fei, ZHA Xiao-qin
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2703-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2703-2709 [Abstract] ( 348 ) RICH HTML PDF (1561 KB)  ( 325 )
2710 Study on Norfloxacin Concentration Detection Based on Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy
BAI Jun-peng, LI Bin, ZHANG Shu-juan, CHEN Yi-mei
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2710-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2710-2716 [Abstract] ( 228 ) RICH HTML PDF (4135 KB)  ( 477 )
2717 Terahertz Phase Shifter Based on Grating-Liquid Crystal Hybrid Structure
LONG Jie, LI Jiu-sheng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2717-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2717-2722 [Abstract] ( 212 ) RICH HTML PDF (4341 KB)  ( 44 )
2723 THz Spectroscopy Detection of Insect Foreign Body Hidden in Tea Products
SUN Xu-dong, LIU Jun-bin
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2723-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2723-2728 [Abstract] ( 221 ) RICH HTML PDF (2884 KB)  ( 52 )
2729 Online Detection of VOCs Based on LIBS and Raman Spectra
CHEN Geng-yin, ZHANG Qi-hang, LIU Yu-zhu, ZHANGCHENG Yuan-zhe, CHEN Yu, CHEN Guo-qing, HAN Bo-yuan, ABULIMITI Bumaliya
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2729-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2729-2733 [Abstract] ( 271 ) RICH HTML PDF (2395 KB)  ( 104 )
2734 Classification and Identification of Real or Fake Blood Based on OPO Pulsed Laser Induced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
REN Zhong, LIU Tao, LIU Guo-dong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2734-08
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2734-2741 [Abstract] ( 234 ) RICH HTML PDF (6496 KB)  ( 48 )
2742 Research of Parameter Optimization of Preprocessing and Feature Extraction for NIRS Qualitative Analysis Based on PSO Method
LI Hao-guang, YU Yun-hua, PANG Yan, SHEN Xue-feng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2742-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2742-2747 [Abstract] ( 258 ) RICH HTML PDF (2566 KB)  ( 87 )
2748 Study on Near-Infrared Spectrum Acquisition Method of Non-Uniform Solid Particles
LI Hao-guang, YU Yun-hua, PANG Yan, SHEN Xue-feng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2748-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2748-2753 [Abstract] ( 185 ) RICH HTML PDF (1269 KB)  ( 48 )
2754 Application of SG-MSC-MC-UVE-PLS Algorithm in Whole Blood Hemoglobin Concentration Detection Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
SUN Dai-qing, XIE Li-rong, ZHOU Yan, GUO Yu-tao, CHE Shao-min
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2754-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2754-2758 [Abstract] ( 327 ) RICH HTML PDF (2341 KB)  ( 79 )
2759 In-Line Identification of Different Grades of GPPS Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
FANG Yuan, HE Zhang-ping, ZHU Shi-chao, LIANG Xian-rong, JIN Gang
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2759-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2759-2763 [Abstract] ( 191 ) RICH HTML PDF (2815 KB)  ( 45 )
2764 Study on Online Detection Method of “Yali” Pear Black Heart Disease Based on Vis-Near Infrared Spectroscopy and AdaBoost Integrated Model
HAO Yong, WANG Qi-ming, ZHANG Shu-min
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2764-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2764-2769 [Abstract] ( 225 ) RICH HTML PDF (2642 KB)  ( 52 )
2770 NIR Spectroscopic Study and Staging Diagnosis of Osteoarthritic Articular Cartilage
FU Juan-juan, MA Dan-ying, TANG Jin-lan, BAO Yi-lin, ZHAO Yuan, SHANG Lin-wei, YIN Jian-hua
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2770-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2770-2775 [Abstract] ( 188 ) RICH HTML PDF (1949 KB)  ( 50 )
2776 Geographical Origin Discrimination of Taiping Houkui Tea Using Convolutional Neural Network and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
CHEN Qi, PAN Tian-hong, LI Yu-qiang, LIN Hong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2776-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2776-2781 [Abstract] ( 241 ) RICH HTML PDF (3604 KB)  ( 107 )
2782 Interaction and Thermal Stability of Oxidized Carboxymethyl Cellulose/Collagen Based on Two-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
TIAN Zhen-hua, HE Jing-xuan, WANG Ying, DUAN Lian, LI Cong-hu
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2782-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2782-2788 [Abstract] ( 234 ) RICH HTML PDF (6996 KB)  ( 69 )
2789 On-Site Rapid and Non-Destructive Identification Method for Imported Bulk Olive Oil Quality Based on Portable Raman Spectroscopy
MA Jin-ge, YANG Qiao-ling, DENG Xiao-jun, SHI Yi-yin, GU Shu-qing, ZHAO Chao-min, YU Yong-ai, ZHANG Feng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2789-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2789-2794 [Abstract] ( 192 ) RICH HTML PDF (2175 KB)  ( 92 )
2795 High-Stability Confocal Raman Microscopy Imaging Method Based on Bilateral Fitting Subtracting Confocal Microscopy
ZHANG Rui-rui, ZHAO Wei-qian, WANG Yun, QIU Li-rong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2795-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2795-2799 [Abstract] ( 163 ) RICH HTML PDF (3493 KB)  ( 32 )
2800 Preparation and Properties of Micro-Cavity Silver Modified Fiber SERS Probe
FU Xing-hu, WANG Zhen-xing, MA Shuang-yu, ZHAO Fei, LU Xin, FU Guang-wei, JIN Wa, BI Wei-hong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2800-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2800-2806 [Abstract] ( 273 ) RICH HTML PDF (4018 KB)  ( 173 )
2807 An EDXRF Quantitative Algorithm Based on Fundamental Parameters and Spectrum Unfolding
LIU Ming-bo, LIAO Xue-liang, CHENG Da-wei, NI Zi-yue, WANG Hai-zhou
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2807-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2807-2811 [Abstract] ( 243 ) RICH HTML PDF (3313 KB)  ( 122 )
2812 Determination of Parameters of X-Ray Source Based on Tapered Glass Monocapillary X-Ray Condenser
WANG Ya-bing, SHAO Shang-kun, SUN Xue-peng, ZHANG Xiao-yun, LI Hui-quan, SUN Tian-xi
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2812-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2812-2816 [Abstract] ( 211 ) RICH HTML PDF (2331 KB)  ( 36 )
2817 Fast Detection of Foodborne Pathogenic Bacteria by Laser-Induced Fluorescence Spectrometry
LIU Yu, LI Zeng-wei, DENG Zhi-peng, ZHANG Qing-xian, ZOU Li-kou
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2817-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2817-2822 [Abstract] ( 211 ) RICH HTML PDF (3004 KB)  ( 85 )
2823 An Application of Lucy Richardson Iterative in X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
ZHU Yu-xuan, LU Jing-bin, ZHAO Xiao-fan, LIU Xiao-yan, CUI Wei-wei, LI Wei, WANG Yu-sa, LÜ Zhong-hua, CHEN Yong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2823-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2823-2828 [Abstract] ( 215 ) RICH HTML PDF (3743 KB)  ( 64 )
2829 Study on Vibrational Spectral Characteristics of Fentanyl-Class Substances
XU Lin, HE Hong-yuan, LIU Cui-mei, HUA Zhen-dong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2829-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2829-2834 [Abstract] ( 250 ) RICH HTML PDF (4244 KB)  ( 159 )
2835 Effects of Thickness on Spectral Properties of Undoped ZnO Thin Films
YANG Chang-hu, YUAN Jian-hui
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2835-04
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2835-2838 [Abstract] ( 156 ) RICH HTML PDF (2556 KB)  ( 71 )
2839 Application of Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Fluorescence Combined With Linear SVM in Organic Pollution Monitoring of Water
DAI Yuan, XIE Ji-zheng, YUAN Jing, SHEN Wei, GUO Hong-da, SUN Xiao-ping, WANG Zhi-gang
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2839-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2839-2845 [Abstract] ( 197 ) RICH HTML PDF (3488 KB)  ( 73 )
2846 Fluorescence Spectroscopy Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter Analysis of Straw-Cow Dung Fermentation in Different Proportion
LI Yan, WEI Dan, WANG Wei, JIN Liang, DING Jian-li, CAI Shan-shan, HU Yu, BAI Yang
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2846-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2846-2852 [Abstract] ( 239 ) RICH HTML PDF (4554 KB)  ( 43 )
2853 Effects of High Light Duration and Frequencies on Growth and Nutrient Element Contents of Hydroponic Lettuce Cultivated Under LED Red and Blue Light
SHAO Ming-jie, LIU Wen-ke, ZHOU Cheng-bo, WANG Qi, LI Bao-shi
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2853-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2853-2858 [Abstract] ( 238 ) RICH HTML PDF (2008 KB)  ( 49 )
2859 Spectroscopic and Structure Study of Plant Hormone Abscisic Acid: Theory and Experiments
ZHANG Yan-yan, LI Dong-xian, MA Liu-zheng, ZHANG Hao, SU Rui, LI Lin-ze, HU Jian-dong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2859-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2859-2865 [Abstract] ( 208 ) RICH HTML PDF (4104 KB)  ( 71 )
2866 Study on the Relationship Between Element As in Soil of Agricultural Land and Leaf Spectral Characteristics
LIU Wei, YU Qiang, NIU Teng, YANG Lin-zhe, LIU Hong-jun, YAN Fei
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2866-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2866-2871 [Abstract] ( 194 ) RICH HTML PDF (2105 KB)  ( 465 )
2872 Hyperspectral Estimation Model of Heavy Metal Arsenic in Soil
LI Zhi-yuan, DENG Fan, HE Jun-liang, WEI Wei
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2872-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2872-2878 [Abstract] ( 220 ) RICH HTML PDF (3371 KB)  ( 220 )
2879 Study on the Detection and Discrimination of Damaged Jujube Based on Hyperspectral Data
YUAN Rui-rui, WANG Bing, LIU Gui-shan, HE Jian-guo, WAN Guo-ling, FAN Nai-yun, LI Yue, SUN You-rui
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2879-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2879-2885 [Abstract] ( 179 ) RICH HTML PDF (2987 KB)  ( 54 )
2886 Preliminary Study on the Non-Invasive Characterization of Organic Binding Media Employing a Portable Hyperspectral Sensor
WANG Cong, Mara Camaiti, TIE Fu-de, ZHAO Xi-chen, CAO Yi-jian
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2886-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2886-2891 [Abstract] ( 184 ) RICH HTML PDF (4501 KB)  ( 67 )
2892 Non-Destructive Identification of Hazardousbone Fragments Embedded in the Frozen-Thawed Pork Based on Multispectral Imaging
ZHANG Hua-feng, WANG Wu, BAI Yu-rong, LIU Yi-ru, JIN Tao, YU Xia, MA Fei
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2892-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2892-2897 [Abstract] ( 198 ) RICH HTML PDF (2353 KB)  ( 81 )
2898 Carbon Content Detection of Marine Sediments Based on Multispectral Fusion
LI Xue-ying, LI Zong-min, HOU Guang-li, QIU Hui-min, LÜ Hong-min, CHEN Guang-yuan, FAN Ping-ping
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2898-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2898-2903 [Abstract] ( 223 ) RICH HTML PDF (2300 KB)  ( 119 )
2904 Study on the Interaction Between Fulvic Acid and Bovine Serum Albumin by Multispectral and Molecular Docking
WANG Xiao-xia, WU Hao, NIE Zhi-hua, MA Li-tong, CUI Jin-long, SAI Hua-zheng, CHENG Jian-guo
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2904-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2904-2910 [Abstract] ( 205 ) RICH HTML PDF (3048 KB)  ( 47 )
2911 Leaf Nitrogen Concentration Retrieval Based on Polarization Reflectance Model and Random Forest Regression
ZHANG Zi-han, YAN Lei, LIU Si-yuan, FU Yu, JIANG Kai-wen, YANG Bin, LIU Sui-hua, ZHANG Fei-zhou
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2911-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2911-2917 [Abstract] ( 256 ) RICH HTML PDF (4501 KB)  ( 72 )
2918 Study on Fluorescence Spectrometry of Natural and Organic Filling Treated Turquoise
XU Feng-shun, CHEN Quan-li, DING Wei, WANG Hai-tao
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2918-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2918-2923 [Abstract] ( 291 ) RICH HTML PDF (2165 KB)  ( 83 )
2924 Spectral Characteristics During Leaf Flourishing Development of Quercus Mongolica and Its Influencing Factors
ZHANG Shi-ya, LÜ Xiao-min, ZHOU Guang-sheng, REN Hong-rui
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2924-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2924-2929 [Abstract] ( 200 ) RICH HTML PDF (2179 KB)  ( 58 )
2930 Mapping Analysis by μ-X-Ray Fluorescence for Waterlogged Archaeological Wood From “Nanhai No.1” Shipwreck
HUANG Ke-jia, DU Jing, ZHU Jian, LI Nai-sheng, CHEN Yue, WU Yuan-yuan
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2930-04
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2930-2933 [Abstract] ( 239 ) RICH HTML PDF (2513 KB)  ( 62 )
2934 Effect of Sequential Solvent Treatment on the Macromolecular Structure of Organic Matter in Zichang Coal
ZHANG Gui-xiong, YANG Xiao-xia, LIU Kai, FU Feng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2934-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2934-2939 [Abstract] ( 161 ) RICH HTML PDF (3159 KB)  ( 31 )
2940 Study on Multi-Wavelength Transmission Spectral Feature Extraction Combined With Support Vector Machine for Bacteria Identification
FENG Chun, ZHAO Nan-jing, YIN Gao-fang, GAN Ting-ting, CHEN Xiao-wei, CHEN Min, HUA Hui, DUAN Jing-bo, LIU Jian-guo
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2940-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2940-2944 [Abstract] ( 161 ) RICH HTML PDF (2105 KB)  ( 38 )
2945 Study on the Calibration of Reflectivity of the Cavity Mirrors Used in Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy
WU Lu-yi, GAO Guang-zhen, LIU Xin, GAO Zhen-wei, ZHOU Xin, YU Xiong, CAI Ting-dong
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2945-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2945-2949 [Abstract] ( 218 ) RICH HTML PDF (2016 KB)  ( 97 )
2950 Research on Spectral CT Image Denoising Via Fully Convolution Pyramid Residual Network
REN Xue-zhi, HE Peng, LONG Zou-rong, GUO Xiao-dong, AN Kang, LÜ Xiao-jie, WEI Biao, FENG Peng
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2950-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2950-2955 [Abstract] ( 231 ) RICH HTML PDF (3810 KB)  ( 54 )
2956 Study on the Spectral Characteristics of Ground Objects in Land-Based Hyperspectral Imaging
ZHOU Bing, LI Bing-xuan, HE Xuan, LIU He-xiong,WANG Fa-zhen
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2956-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2956-2961 [Abstract] ( 190 ) RICH HTML PDF (4460 KB)  ( 46 )
2962 Classification Method of Liquor Quality Based on Time and Frequency Spectrum Characteristics
ZHU Hai-jiang, TANG Hao, SUN Jing-xian, DU Zhen-xia
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2962-07
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2962-2968 [Abstract] ( 189 ) RICH HTML PDF (2603 KB)  ( 53 )
2969 Experimental Investigation of Spectral Emissivity of Copper-Nickel Alloy During Thermal Oxidation Process
XU Yan-fen, ZHANG Kai-hua, LIU Yan-lei, YU Kun, LIU Yu-fang
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2969-06
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2969-2974 [Abstract] ( 210 ) RICH HTML PDF (4511 KB)  ( 37 )
2975 Preparations and Spectroscopic Studies on the Three New Strontium(Ⅱ), Barium(Ⅱ), and Lead(Ⅱ) Carbocysteine Complexes
Samy M. El-Megharbel, Moamen S. Refat
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2975-05
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2975-2979 [Abstract] ( 183 ) RICH HTML PDF (1476 KB)  ( 45 )
2980 KDC: A Green Apple Segmentation Method
WANG Zhi-fen, JIA Wei-kuan, MOU Shan-hao, HOU Su-juan, YIN Xiang, ZE Ji
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)09-2980-09
2021 Vol. 41 (09): 2980-2988 [Abstract] ( 163 ) RICH HTML PDF (6238 KB)  ( 54 )