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22 WanfangDATA
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2005 Vol. 25, No. 02
Published: 26 February 2005

161 Comprehensive Analysis of Up-Conversion Luminescence Saturation Phenomena of ErYb:Oxyfluoride Vitroceramics
CHEN Xiao-bo1, SONG Zeng-fu2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 161-165 [Abstract] ( 1434 ) PDF (583 KB)  ( 380 )
166 Theoretical Analysis of Wavelength Choice in Tri-Wavelength Method of Temperature Measurement
FU Tai-ran, CHENG Xiao-fang, FAN Xue-liang, DING Jin-lei
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 166-170 [Abstract] ( 204 ) PDF (517 KB)  ( 342 )
171 Collisional Excitation Transfer between Na2(B 1Πu) and Na2(2 1Σ+g)
LEI Zhen-zhou, LIU Jing , ZHOU Xiao-yan , DAI Kang, SHEN Yi-fan*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 171-173 [Abstract] ( 1546 ) PDF (333 KB)  ( 366 )
174 Electronic Spectral Study on Salicylaldehyde-Amino Acid Schiff Bases in Water
WANG Ming-zhao, NING Ya-lan, MENG Zhao-xing, LIU Bo-li
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 174-176 [Abstract] ( 985 ) PDF (323 KB)  ( 370 )
177 Investigation on the Spectral Characteristics and Existing State of a Substituted 3H-Indole Molecular Probe in Triton X-100 Reverse Micelle
LUO Jun-jian, LI Jian, SHEN Xing-hai*,GAO Hong-cheng
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 177-180 [Abstract] ( 1064 ) PDF (528 KB)  ( 363 )
181 S2S0 Radiative Transition of 2,2’-Bipyridine Doped in Silica Gel Glass
QIAN Guo-dong, CHEN Miao,ZHANG Peng-yue, WANG Zhi-yu,WANG Min-quan
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 181-183 [Abstract] ( 649 ) PDF (393 KB)  ( 386 )
184 Determination of Nitrite in Water Samples by Sequential Injection Analysis with Chemiluminescence Detection on Chip Flow Cell
WANG Yang, FAN Shi-hua*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 184-187 [Abstract] ( 988 ) PDF (460 KB)  ( 341 )
188 Studies on the Effects of Steric Hindrance of Guest Molecule on the Formation of Inclusion Complexes by Molecular Luminescence
MU Jun-ze1,HUANG Gao-ling1, 2,ZHANG Yong1*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 188-191 [Abstract] ( 1512 ) PDF (424 KB)  ( 367 )
192 Determination of Total Effective Value of Flavonoids in Propolis by Quenched Electrochemiluminescence Analysis
XU Yang, CHU Hai-hong, QI Ying-ying, DI Jun-wei,TU Yi-feng*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 192-194 [Abstract] ( 1140 ) PDF (333 KB)  ( 414 )
195 The Determination of Glutathione by Electrochemiluminescence Quenching Method
QI Ying-ying, WU Ying, DI Jun-wei, TU Yi-feng*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 195-197 [Abstract] ( 1098 ) PDF (325 KB)  ( 375 )
198 FTIR Spectroscopic Explorations of Clinical Practice of Breast Cancer
LING Xiao-feng1, XU Zhi1, XU Yi-zhuang2*, LI Qing-bo2, ZHOU Su1, ZHANG Li2, ZHAO Hong-mei1, HOU Chun-sheng1, WANG Li-xin1, HOU Kuan-yong1, ZHOU Xiao-si1, WU Jin-guang2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 198-200 [Abstract] ( 1563 ) PDF (409 KB)  ( 379 )
201 Studies on Spectral Characteristics of Solid Propellant by Remote Sensing FTIR
LI Yan, HUANG Zhong-hua, ZHOU Xue-tie,WANG Jun-de*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 201-203 [Abstract] ( 236 ) PDF (286 KB)  ( 463 )
204 In Situ FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Catalytic Combustion of Acid Red B on CuFe2O4 in the Presence and Absence of O2
WU Rong-cheng, QU Jiu-hui*, YU Yun-bo, HE Hong
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 204-206 [Abstract] ( 1468 ) PDF (314 KB)  ( 375 )
207 Fast Outlier Detection for Milk Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Analysis
LIU Rong, CHEN Wen-liang, XU Ke-xin*, QIU Qing-jun, CUI Hou-xin
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 207-210 [Abstract] ( 2042 ) PDF (524 KB)  ( 383 )
211 Spectral Analysis of Dissolved Organic Matter Derived from Rice Straw after Chemical Treatment
SHEN Qi-rong1, XU Yong1, YANG Hong2, ZHOU Li-xiang1, YU Qing3, ZHOU Zhi-ping3
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 211-215 [Abstract] ( 1588 ) PDF (579 KB)  ( 383 )
216 Synthesis, Spectral Characterization and Bioactivity of Complexes of Furoylpyrazolone-Thiosemicarbazone
LI Jin-zhou, ZHANG guang-lin,SHA Jing-quan, AN Yu-mei
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 216-218 [Abstract] ( 1542 ) PDF (352 KB)  ( 376 )
219 Study on an Unknown Complex by Gas Chromatography/Infrared Spectrometry
CHEN Rui-ping1, YU Jun-qiang2, ZHENG Yu1*, REN Qing1
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 219-221 [Abstract] ( 1028 ) PDF (288 KB)  ( 419 )
222 High Temperature Raman Spectra and Structure Character Study of BSO Crystal
QIU Huai-li1,WANG Ai-hua1,YOU Jing-lin2,LIU Xiao-jing1,CHEN hui2,YIN Shao-tang1
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 222-225 [Abstract] ( 421 ) PDF (414 KB)  ( 405 )
226 Spectroscopy Studies on the Interaction of Bis(p-Nitrophenyl) Esters and β-Cyclodextrin
LI Hong, HU Dao-dao, FANG Yu*, LIU Ya-ling
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 226-231 [Abstract] ( 1661 ) PDF (754 KB)  ( 378 )
232 Study on the Interaction of Anticancer Drugs and DNA Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy
SHEN Jing-shan1, SUN Dan-dan2, FU Lian-chun4, Lü Wen-bo1, Lü Guo-wei1, YE Xue-min1, MENG Guang-zheng3, SONG Zeng-fu1*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 232-234 [Abstract] ( 1173 ) PDF (317 KB)  ( 433 )
235 Ultraviolet and Blue-Violet Photoluminescence of Gold Nanoparticles
ZHU Jian,WANG Yong-chang
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 235-238 [Abstract] ( 1004 ) PDF (570 KB)  ( 384 )
239 The Research on the Quenching of Fluorescence Spectra of TOPⅠ by Iodine Anion
XIA Bing-le1, PENG Dun-geng1, LI Min-li1, XIAO Hong2, WANG Kai-bao3
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 239-241 [Abstract] ( 1010 ) PDF (378 KB)  ( 385 )
242 Influence of Excitation Light Wavelength on the Fluorescence Spectra of Ethanol Solutions
LIU Ying1, 2, LAN Xiu-feng1, SHEN Zhong-hua1, LU Jian1, NI Xiao-wu1*
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 242-245 [Abstract] ( 1066 ) PDF (456 KB)  ( 411 )
246 Study on the Interaction of Pb2+ and Bovine Serum Albumin by Fluorescence
WU Gen-hua1,WANG Chun-hua2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 246-248 [Abstract] ( 1074 ) PDF (392 KB)  ( 350 )
249 Inhibitory Kinetic Fluorimetric Determination of Trace Aniline
FENG Su-ling, WANG Jin, FAN Jing, CUI Feng-ling
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 249-251 [Abstract] ( 1635 ) PDF (420 KB)  ( 373 )
252 Assay of Three Kinds of Aluminum Fractions (Ala, Alb and Alc) in Polynuclear Aluminum Solutions by Al-Ferron Timed Spectrophotometry and Demarcation of Their Time Limits
WANG Chen-yi1,2, ZHANG Cai-hua1, BI Shu-ping1*, ZHANG Zhen-chao3, YANG Wei-hua3
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 252-256 [Abstract] ( 445 ) PDF (537 KB)  ( 403 )
257 Synthesis of 2,3,4-Trihydroxyacetophenone Hydrazones and Study on Their Spectral Properties
LIU Jian-ning, WU Bo-wan, ZHANG Bing, YU Xin-qiao
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 257-259 [Abstract] ( 1247 ) PDF (313 KB)  ( 414 )
260 Analysis of Spectral Properties of Oil Matrix Raw Materials in Skin Care Products
HUANG Chong1, OUYANG Yan-dong1*, FANG Yi-wen2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 260-262 [Abstract] ( 1585 ) PDF (345 KB)  ( 425 )
263 Speciation Analysis of Selenium by Flow-Injection Catalytic Spectrophotometry
FAN Jing, Lü Hui-xiong, YE Cun-ling,CUI Feng-ling
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 263-265 [Abstract] ( 412 ) PDF (366 KB)  ( 392 )
266 Quantitative Determination of Total Flavonoids in Sea-Buckthorn Fruit Juice by Three Wavelength Spectrophotometry
HUI Rui-hua,HOU Dong-yan,GUAN Chong-xin,LIU Xiao-yuan
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 266-269 [Abstract] ( 397 ) PDF (423 KB)  ( 366 )
270 Study on the Measurement of Residual Stresses around Indentations in SiC/Al2O3 Nanocomposite Using Fluorescence
TAO Jie,CUI Yi-hua,LI Yang
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 270-273 [Abstract] ( 1414 ) PDF (501 KB)  ( 350 )
274 Preparation of Ce-Loaded Nano-TiO2 and Study on Its UV-Vis Reflective Spectrum
LIU Xue-feng1, 3, ZHANG Li2, TU Ming-jing3
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 274-276 [Abstract] ( 1073 ) PDF (478 KB)  ( 395 )
277 Ultraviolet Spectral Characteristics of Charge-Transfer Reaction Complex in Micellar System and Its Application
DU Li-ming, CHEN Cai-ping,LI Jian-hua
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 277-279 [Abstract] ( 1661 ) PDF (363 KB)  ( 390 )
280 Determination of Twenty One Elements in Lithium Hexafluorophosphate by ICP-AES
FANG Yi-wen,HAO Zhi-feng,SONG Yi-bing,SUN Chang-yong,YU Jian,YU Lin
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 280-282 [Abstract] ( 1494 ) PDF (322 KB)  ( 429 )
283 Determination of Trace Zirconium and Hafniumin Sample by Atomic Emission Spectrometry
LI Hui-zhi,YANG Chun-xia,ZHAI Dian-tang
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 283-285 [Abstract] ( 577 ) PDF (332 KB)  ( 346 )
286 Speciation Analysis of Mercury in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Vapor-Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
YANG Li-li1, LI Na2, ZHANG De-qiang3*, GAO Li-rong2,KANG Hai-yan2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 286-289 [Abstract] ( 1612 ) PDF (463 KB)  ( 401 )
290 Determination of Trace Silver by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using Chitosan Enriching Method
SUN Jian-min, XU Peng, HAN Xue-tao, SUN Han-wen
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 290-292 [Abstract] ( 225 ) PDF (308 KB)  ( 360 )
293 Determination of Eight Trace Elements in the Flowers of Hylocereus Undatus by FAAS
WANG Xin-ping
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 293-295 [Abstract] ( 1469 ) PDF (333 KB)  ( 373 )
296 Analysis and Separation of Organic and Inorganic Speciations of Soluble Zinc in Edible Flowers
PENG Shan-shan,HUANG Guo-qing
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 296-298 [Abstract] ( 404 ) PDF (406 KB)  ( 364 )
299 Characterization of Dinosaur Fossils and Their Surrounding Rocks by Atomic Emission Spectrometry and X-Ray Powder Diffractometry
YANG Qun1, WANG Yi-lin1,LI Chao-zhen2,YUAN Bo3
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 299-301 [Abstract] ( 2042 ) PDF (354 KB)  ( 371 )
302 Investigations on the Movement of Pigment Particles in the Electrophoretic Liquids
ZHANG Yan-fen, TENG Feng*, XU Zheng, DUAN Xiao-xia, LIANG Chun-jun, BING Xiu-hua
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 302-306 [Abstract] ( 1379 ) PDF (609 KB)  ( 344 )
307 Spectral Similarity Measure and Retrieval Based on the Complete Spectral Reflectance and Absorption Feature ——Nonlinear Spectral Angle Mapper
TANG Hong, FANG Tao, SHI Peng-fei
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 307-310 [Abstract] ( 1076 ) PDF (361 KB)  ( 349 )
311 A New Method of Avoiding Entrainment Swelling in Liquid Surfactant Membrane for the Determination of Trace Hg(Ⅱ)
YU Hui-fen,XU Lin-lin,DING Peng
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 311-313 [Abstract] ( 1477 ) PDF (305 KB)  ( 371 )
314 Studies on the Constituents of Polysaccharide and the Content of Saccharide from Mongolian Medicine Hara Buri-16
ZHAO Yu-ying
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 314-316 [Abstract] ( 1332 ) PDF (417 KB)  ( 365 )
317 Determination of Lead and Cadmium Contents in Chicken Granules and Gourmet Powder
SHI Min1, HAO Ai-guo1, ZHU Li-zun2
2005 Vol. 25 (02): 317-318 [Abstract] ( 1064 ) PDF (221 KB)  ( 374 )