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2010 Vol. 30, No. 05
Published: 01 May 2010

1153 Study on TPS434 Infrared Detector at Low Temperature and Magnetic Field
FAN Jie, SONG Xiao-hui, ZHANG Dian-lin*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1153-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1153-1156 [Abstract] ( 1170 ) PDF (1092 KB)  ( 416 )
1157 Rotational and Vibrational State Distributions of CsH in the Reactions of Cs(6 2D5/2) with H2
WANG Da-gui,ZHOU Dong-dong, WANG Xue-yan, MU Ni-sai, DAI Kang, SHEN Yi-fan*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1157-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1157-1160 [Abstract] ( 576 ) PDF (736 KB)  ( 446 )
1161 Research on High Resolution Spectrum Measurements of Methane at 1.65 μm
WANG Huan, CAO Zhen-song, WANG Zhu-qing, WANG Liu-san, GAO Wei, ZHANG Wei-jun, GAO Xiao-ming*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1161-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1161-1166 [Abstract] ( 1982 ) PDF (834 KB)  ( 426 )
1167 Spectroscopic Investigation of the Argon Plasma Discharge in Quartz Capillary at Atmospheric Pressure
HUANG Wen-tong, LI Shou-zhe*, GUO Qing-chao, ZHANG Jia-liang, WANG De-zhen, MA Teng-cai
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1167-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1167-1170 [Abstract] ( 2545 ) PDF (839 KB)  ( 419 )
1171 Preparation and Spectral Characterization of Lumogen Coatings for UV-Responsive CCD Image Sensors
ZHANG Da-wei, TIAN Xin, HUANG Yuan-shen, NI Zheng-ji, ZHUANG Song-lin
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1171-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1171-1174 [Abstract] ( 2090 ) PDF (827 KB)  ( 471 )
1175 Enhancing Effect of Sample Additive on Laser-Induced Plasma Radiation
ZHANG Lin-jing, CHEN Jin-zhong*, YANG Shao-peng, WEI Yan-hong, GUO Qing-lin
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1175-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1175-1178 [Abstract] ( 2041 ) PDF (884 KB)  ( 388 )
1179 Influence of the Amount of H2O on the Emission Spectra of Tb Doped SiO2 Xerogels
PAN Jing1, HU Xiao-yun1*, LIU Guo-jing1, ZHANG De-kai1, FAN Jun2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1179-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1179-1183 [Abstract] ( 1784 ) PDF (1361 KB)  ( 421 )
1184 Two-Dimensional Synchronous Correlation Spectroscopy for Probing Fluorescence Energy Transfer
HUANG Kun1, CHEN Jing1, LIU Shao-xuan1, GAO Xiu-xiang1, PAN Qing-hua1, ZHANG Cheng-feng1, 2, LIU Yu-hai1, 2, XIA Jin-ming1, 3, QI Jian1, XU Yi-zhuang1*, WU Jin-guang1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1184-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1184-1188 [Abstract] ( 2231 ) PDF (1112 KB)  ( 467 )
1189 Study on Estimation of Radiation Dose Using FTIR in Mice Thymus
WU Wen-an1, WANG Jian-sheng1*, ZHANG Jia1, MO Fei1, WANG Si-cen3, ZHOU Su-na1, ZHANG Ming-xin1, XU Yi-zhuang2, SHI Jing-sen1, WU Jin-guang2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1189-03
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1189-1191 [Abstract] ( 1551 ) PDF (621 KB)  ( 423 )
1192 Ionization Energies and Infrared Spectra Studies of Histidine Using Density Functional Theory
HU Qiong, WANG Guo-ying, LIU Gang, OU Jia-ming, WANG Rui-li*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1192-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1192-1197 [Abstract] ( 1817 ) PDF (1037 KB)  ( 418 )
1198 The IR Spectroscopic Study of Hydrothermal Synthetic KTP
XIE Hao1, PEI Jing-cheng1*,QI Li-jian2, ZHONG Zeng-qiu1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1198-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1198-1201 [Abstract] ( 511 ) PDF (1379 KB)  ( 425 )
1202 Study on the Characteristic Peaks of Infrared Spectra from Ganoderma Lucidums
HE Jin-zhe, SHAO Ping, SUN Pei-long*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1202-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1202-1205 [Abstract] ( 2202 ) PDF (612 KB)  ( 393 )
1206 Extending Hemicelluloses Content Calibration of Acacia Spp Using NIR to New Sites
YAO Sheng, WU Guo-feng,JIANG Yi-fei, FU Xiao-dong, Lü Hong-kun, SU Mei, PU Jun-wen*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1206-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1206-1209 [Abstract] ( 719 ) PDF (589 KB)  ( 425 )
1210 Analysis of Soil Humus and Components after 26 Years’ Fertilization by Infrared Spectroscopy Method
ZHANG Yu-lan1, 3, SUN Cai-xia2, CHEN Zhen-hua1, LI Dong-po1, LIU Xing-bin1, CHEN Li-jun1*, WU Zhi-jie1, DU Jian-xiong2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1210-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1210-1213 [Abstract] ( 1797 ) PDF (730 KB)  ( 457 )
1214 Spectroscopy Quantitative Analysis and Optimum Wavelength Selection
ZHANG Man1, LIU Xu-hua1, HE Xiong-kui1,ZHANG Lu-da1*, ZHAO Long-lian2, LI Jun-hui2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1214-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1214-1217 [Abstract] ( 1648 ) PDF (400 KB)  ( 592 )
1218 Application of FTIR Spectroscopy to the Identification of Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fisch
SUO Jing-xia1, SUN Su-qin2, WANG Wen-quan1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1218-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1218-1223 [Abstract] ( 687 ) PDF (1718 KB)  ( 445 )
1224 The Enhancement of 1.5 μm Near Infrared Luminescence in Er3+ and Yb3+ Codoped Y2O3 Nanocrystalline
MENG Qing-yu1, 2,CHEN Bao-jiu3,Lü Shu-chen1,SUN Jiang-ting1,QU Xiu-rong1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1224-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1224-1228 [Abstract] ( 1944 ) PDF (1156 KB)  ( 458 )
1229 Study of Nondestructive and Fast Identification of Fabric Fibers Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
YUAN Hong-fu1, CHANG Rui-xue1, TIAN Ling-ling2, SONG Chun-feng1, YUAN Xue-qin1, LI Xiao-yu1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1229-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1229-1233 [Abstract] ( 1338 ) PDF (1591 KB)  ( 462 )
1234 Real-Time Monitoring of Industrial Acetic Acid Production Process Using a New Type of Online NIR Analysis System
YE Hua-jun1, 2, ZHANG Xue-feng2, WU Ji-ming2, XIA A-lin1, WANG Xin2, YANG Hui-hua3, WANG Jian1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1234-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1234-1237 [Abstract] ( 1175 ) PDF (1171 KB)  ( 584 )
1238 Discriminant Analysis of Raw Milk Adulterated with Botanical Filling Material Using Near Infrared Spectroscopy
LI Liang, DING Wu*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1238-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1238-1242 [Abstract] ( 2336 ) PDF (674 KB)  ( 455 )
1243 Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technique to Determination of Forage Mycotoxins
XU Qing-fang1, HAN Jian-guo2, YU Zhu2, YUE Wen-bin1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1243-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1243-1247 [Abstract] ( 1685 ) PDF (725 KB)  ( 449 )
1248 Fast Discrimination of Commerical Corn Varieties Based on Near Infrared Spectra
WU Wen-jin1,WANG Hong-wu2,CHEN Shao-jiang2,GUO Ting-ting3,WANG Shou-jue3,SU Qian1, SUN Ming1, AN Dong1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1248-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1248-1251 [Abstract] ( 2162 ) PDF (557 KB)  ( 445 )
1252 Study of Rotator Phase and Phase Transition of Short-Chain Alkane by Means of Raman Spectroscopy
CHEN Yi-ting, JIN Yuan-hao, DU Wei-min*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1252-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1252-1256 [Abstract] ( 563 ) PDF (1383 KB)  ( 546 )
1257 Raman Spectrum Study on Synthesis Mechanism of Porous ZnO Microspheres Assisted with Trisodium Citrate
SHAO Zheng-zheng, ZHANG Xue-ao, WANG Xiao-feng, CHANG Sheng-li
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1257-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1257-1260 [Abstract] ( 1430 ) PDF (1060 KB)  ( 452 )
1261 A Study of Phonon Vibration Like Modes for Aggregation Structure in Silicate Melts by High Temperature Raman Spectrum
XU Pei-cang1,LI Ru-bi1,SHANG Tong-ming1,ZHOU Jian1,SUN Jian-hua1,YOU Jing-lin2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1261-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1261-1265 [Abstract] ( 2341 ) PDF (921 KB)  ( 412 )
1266 Study on Real-Time Imaging of Single Stretched DNA Molecules by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy
LIN Dan-ying1, 2, LIU Xiao-chen1, WANG Peng-fei1, MA Wan-yun1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1266-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1266-1270 [Abstract] ( 267 ) PDF (1394 KB)  ( 445 )
1271 Excitation-Emission Fluorescence Characterization Study of the Three Phenolic Compounds
WANG Huan-bo, ZHANG Yu-jun*, XIAO Xue, JIN Dan, ZHAO Nan-jing, YIN Gao-fang, GUO Li-quan, LIU Wen-qing
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1271-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1271-1274 [Abstract] ( 1788 ) PDF (1186 KB)  ( 449 )
1275 Research on the 3D Fluorescence Spectra Differentiation of Phytoplankton by Coiflet2 Wavelet
LIU Bao1,4, SU Rong-guo1*, SONG Zhi-jie2, ZHANG Fang3,WANG Xiu-lin1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1275-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1275-1278 [Abstract] ( 1758 ) PDF (1730 KB)  ( 451 )
1279 Determination of Antibiotics Residues in the Raw Fresh Milk of Farms in the Miyun County of Beijing with Mg2+-Sensitized Metacycline Fluorescence Microscopic Imaging Technique
LIU Ying1, 2, YANG Le1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1279-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1279-1284 [Abstract] ( 1950 ) PDF (1227 KB)  ( 373 )
1285 Study on the Elements of the Fluorescence Spectra Emitted from Ethanol-Water Mixture
WU Bin1, LIU Ying2, HAN Cai-qin1, 2, LUO Xiao-sen1*, LU Jian1, NI Xiao-wu1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1285-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1285-1289 [Abstract] ( 1885 ) PDF (950 KB)  ( 464 )
1290 Characterization of Biocompatible CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots and Its Application in Cell Labeling
LIU Xia1,CHEN Dan-ni1,QU Jun-le1,YANG Jian-tai2,LUO Yong-xiang2,ROY Indrajit2,WANG Xiao-mei3, LIN Xiao-tan3,ZHONG Lei3,Prasad N Paras2,XU Gai-xia1*,NIU Han-ben1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1290-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1290-1294 [Abstract] ( 2303 ) PDF (1392 KB)  ( 479 )
1295 Development of Citrus Yield Prediction Model Based on Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging
YE Xu-jun1, Kenshi Sakai2, HE Yong1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1295-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1295-1300 [Abstract] ( 1295 ) PDF (1891 KB)  ( 425 )
1301 Spectral Characters Analysis of Ground Objects in Snowmelt Period in the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains
FANG Shi-feng1, PEI Huan2, LIU Zhi-hui1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1301-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1301-1304 [Abstract] ( 2021 ) PDF (1099 KB)  ( 390 )
1305 A New Probe for Ca2+ Based on the Rhodamine B Amide Armed Homotrioxacalix[3] Arene-Sb3+ Complex
ZHANG Wen-juan, WU Chong, ZENG Xi, MU Lan*, XUE Sai-feng, TAO Zhu
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1305-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1305-1309 [Abstract] ( 621 ) PDF (1370 KB)  ( 482 )
1310 A Path-Length Correction Method on Biochemical Parameter Nondestructive Measuring of Folium
ZHANG Qian-xuan, ZHANG Guang-jun*, LI Qing-bo
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1310-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1310-1314 [Abstract] ( 1361 ) PDF (1425 KB)  ( 417 )
1315 A Rapid Quantificational Identification Model of Minerals and Its Applications
LI Shuai1, LIN Qi-zhong2, LIU Qing-jie2, WANG Meng-fei1, WANG Qin-jun2, WEI Yong-ming1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1315-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1315-1319 [Abstract] ( 1621 ) PDF (633 KB)  ( 398 )
1320 Study on the Geochemical Anomaly of Copper Element Based on Reflectance Spectra
LIU Miao1, 2, LIN Qi-zhong1, WANG Qin-jun1, LI Hui1, 2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1320-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1320-1323 [Abstract] ( 2389 ) PDF (548 KB)  ( 418 )
1324 Study on the Interaction between DNR-D3(Daunorubicin Derivative)and ctDNA by Spectroscopic Methods
Lü Juan, WANG Gong-ke, ZHANG Gui-sheng, LIU Qing-feng, LU Yan*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1324-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1324-1328 [Abstract] ( 426 ) PDF (967 KB)  ( 447 )
1329 Preparation of Microencapsulated Red Phosphorus and Its Flame-Retardant Application in PP Composites
JIANG Wen-jun1,2, LI Zhe-zhao2,ZHANG Chun-xiang1, FANG Jin1, YANG Xu-jie1*, LU Lu-de1, PU Long-juan1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1329-07
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1329-1335 [Abstract] ( 1871 ) PDF (2066 KB)  ( 400 )
1336 Research on Remote Sensing Inversion Biomass Method Based on the Suaeda Salsa’s Measured Spectrum
WU Tao1, 2, ZHAO Dong-zhi2*, KANG Jian-cheng1, SUO An-ning2, WEI Bao-quan2, MA Yu-juan2,3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1336-06
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1336-1341 [Abstract] ( 1885 ) PDF (1311 KB)  ( 405 )
1342 Synthesis and Spectra of Copper(Ⅰ) Bromide Complex with N,N-Bis[(Diphenylphosphino)Methyl]-2-Pyridinylamine
CHI Shao-ming1,2,3,ZHANG Jun-feng3,BIAN Zhao-yong1,FU Wen-fu1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1342-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1342-1346 [Abstract] ( 1801 ) PDF (1064 KB)  ( 482 )
1347 Effect of Remotely Sensed Data Errors on the Retrieving Accuracy of Territorial Parameters ——a Case Study on Chlorophyll a Concentration Inversion of Taihu Lake
CHEN Jun1, 2,ZHOU Guan-hua3*,WEN Zhen-he1, 2,FU Jun1,2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1347-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1347-1351 [Abstract] ( 2398 ) PDF (1007 KB)  ( 421 )
1352 An Investigation of Temperature Compensation of HCL Gas Online Monitoring Based on TDLAS Method
SHU Xiao-wen, ZHANG Yu-jun*, KAN Rui-feng, CUI Yi-ben, HE Ying, ZHANG Shuai, GENG Hui, LIU Wen-qing
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1352-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1352-1356 [Abstract] ( 2023 ) PDF (1196 KB)  ( 400 )
1357 Identification of Cucumber Disease Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Discriminate Analysis
CHAI A-li1,LIAO Ning-fang2,TIAN Li-xun2,SHI Yan-xia1,LI Bao-ju1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1357-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1357-1361 [Abstract] ( 1264 ) PDF (1554 KB)  ( 633 )
1362 Study on Microstructure of J-Aggregates of Cyanine Dyes
MENG Tao1, KANG Ling-hua4, ZHOU Hui1, ZHANG Ao1, WANG Du-jin2, LI Xiao-wei3, ZOU Jing4
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1362-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1362-1366 [Abstract] ( 1636 ) PDF (1749 KB)  ( 465 )
1367 The Application of Chemical Imaging to Detection and Enhancement of Latent Fingerprints
XIA Bin-bin, YANG Rui-qin*, WANG Yan-ji
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1367-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1367-1370 [Abstract] ( 1682 ) PDF (954 KB)  ( 403 )
1371 Analysis of Color Gamut of LCD System Based on LED Backlight with Area-Controlling Technique
LI Fu-wen1, JIN Wei-qi1*, SHAO Xi-bin2, ZHANG Li-lei2, WAN Li-fang2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1371-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1371-1375 [Abstract] ( 1272 ) PDF (1034 KB)  ( 418 )
1376 Study of Vibrational Spectra of Humic Substance in Soils from the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
HU Xue-bin1, JI Fang-ying1*, LI Si1, ZHOU Guang-ming2, YU Dan-ni2, TAN Xue-mei1, YANG Da-cheng2, YU Bing3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1376-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1376-1380 [Abstract] ( 1745 ) PDF (1091 KB)  ( 425 )
1381 Theoretical Studies on the Structure, Thermodynamics and Spectral Properties of Rhodamine Derivatives Modified by Amino of Central Ring
LEI Yong-lin, HUO Ji-chuan
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1381-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1381-1385 [Abstract] ( 1677 ) PDF (888 KB)  ( 406 )
1386 Antioxidant Activity and Spectroscopic Behavior Study with DNA of Several Salen Mn(Ⅱ),Eu(Ⅲ) Complexes
ZHOU Hua-lei1, DONG Yi-fan2, YANG Yun-xu1*, DENG Xiao-rong1, LU Yi-qiang1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1386-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1386-1390 [Abstract] ( 559 ) PDF (1480 KB)  ( 446 )
1391 Analysis of the Effects of pH and Salt on the Conformation of the Sericin Particles by DLS and TEM Measurements
WU Li-ping1, LENG Xiao-jing1, SUN Yan1, REN Fa-zheng1*,Nakai Shuryo2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1391-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1391-1395 [Abstract] ( 1965 ) PDF (959 KB)  ( 437 )
1396 Determination of Trace Au in Mine Sample by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
JI Chun-hong1, LI Jian-qiang1*, HUANG Wen-jie1, BAO Rui2, GUO Ru1, HU Jun-jie1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1396-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1396-1399 [Abstract] ( 2331 ) PDF (629 KB)  ( 464 )
1400 Research on the Content of Trace Elements and Heavy Metals in the Three Kinds of Zhejiang Specific Medicinal Materials before and after Processing
YUAN Ke1, WANG Lin2, SUN Su-qin3, YIN Ming-wen4
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1400-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1400-1403 [Abstract] ( 670 ) PDF (546 KB)  ( 423 )
1404 Analysis of the Microfibrilla Angles & Crystallinity Index of Daemonorops Margaritae with X-Ray Diffractometry and the Effects of γ-Ray Irradiation
WANG You-hong1,2, LIU Xing-e2*, JIANG Ze-hui2, FEI Ben-hua2, REN Hai-qing3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1404-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1404-1407 [Abstract] ( 1803 ) PDF (1114 KB)  ( 420 )
1408 XPS Analysis of Beads Formed by Fuse Breaking of Electric Copper Wire
WU Ying, MENG Qing-shan, WANG Xin-ming, GAO Wei, DI Man
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1408-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1408-1412 [Abstract] ( 1138 ) PDF (1449 KB)  ( 412 )
1413 Broad-Area Vertical Cavity Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
SUN Cheng-lin1, 2,LIANG Xue-mei1,QIN Li1,JIA Li-hua1,NING Yong-qiang1,WANG Li-jun1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1413-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1413-1416 [Abstract] ( 256 ) PDF (921 KB)  ( 390 )
1417 Wide-Range Fiber Spectral Instrument Covering
ZHENG Bao-hua1,3, CHENG De-fu1, ZHENG Zhi-zhong2, XIU Lian-cun2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1417-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1417-1421 [Abstract] ( 472 ) PDF (1401 KB)  ( 400 )
1422 Comparison of Two Types of Fourier Transform Imaging Spectrometry
XIANGLI Bin1, Lü Qun-bo1, HUANG Min1, 3, YAO Tao2, 3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1422-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1422-1426 [Abstract] ( 1576 ) PDF (1491 KB)  ( 501 )
1427 Research on Degradation of Methylene Blue by Coal Bottom Ash-Microwave Irradiation Method
WU Shi-wei1, LI Na1, LI Guang-zhe2, LI Guo-de1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1427-03
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1427-1429 [Abstract] ( 1596 ) PDF (2212 KB)  ( 404 )
1430 Spectrum Recovery Methods for Nonuniform Sampling Interferogram
YAO Tao1, 4, Lü Qun-bo2*, XIANGLI Bin2, YUAN Yan3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1430-04
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1430-1433 [Abstract] ( 1833 ) PDF (1173 KB)  ( 423 )
1434 Research on Fiber Methane Sensing System Based on Prism Gas Cell
WU Xi-jun1, WANG Yu-tian1, LIU Xue-cai1, LI Shu-jun2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2010)05-1434-05
2010 Vol. 30 (05): 1434-1438 [Abstract] ( 2059 ) PDF (1528 KB)  ( 415 )