Study of Maize Haploid Identification Based on Oil Content Detection with Near Infrared Spectroscopy |
LI Hao-guang1,2, YU Yun-hua1,2, PANG Yan1, SHEN Xue-feng1,2 |
1. Shengli College,China University of Petroleum,Dongying 257061,China
2. College of Information and Control Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Dongying 257061,China |
Abstract At present, oil content difference between Haploid and diploid was used to identify haploid in maize breeding with NMR quantitative analysis. The method has been applied in the practical work, but NMR method is slow, expensive and difficult to maintain etc. It hindered its application in haploid breeding. NIR(Near infrared) spectroscopy technology has been widely used in petroleum, food, medicine and other fields due to its nondestructive, convenient advantages. The NIR qualitative analysis to identify Maize Haploid seeds also achieved a certain effect, but maize varieties used in NIR qualitative method in past research for identification is relatively small, for some varieties the recognition effect is not good. The internal mechanism of NIR qualitative analysis is similar to the black box, therefore it is difficult to distinguish content difference between haploid or diploid seeds, so it is difficult to get the approval of agricultural experts in the field. According to the principle of Xenia effect, there are obvious differences between oil content of Haploid and diploid, the oil identification principle is easy to understand intuitively. Therefore, a NIR quantitative analysis method for the identification of haploid maize is proposed. The experimental results show that the precision of NIR quantitative analysis method and NMR method are very close, under same condition, compared with several qualitative methods, recognition rate of NIR quantitative analysis method is superior to several qualitative analysis, which further proved that NIR quantitative analysis method has certain advantages. The method proposed can meet the requirements of precision of maize breeding industry, and it can boost the progress of maize breeding research.
Received: 2016-03-11
Accepted: 2016-12-22
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