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SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  2023, Vol. 43 Issue (12): 3726-3731    DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2023)12-3726-06
Study on Analysis Method of Distiller's Grains Acidity Based on Convolutional Neural Network and Near Infrared Spectroscopy
WANG Qi-biao1, HE Yu-kai1, LUO Yu-shi1, WANG Shu-jun1, XIE Bo2, DENG Chao2*, LIU Yong3, TUO Xian-guo3
1. College of Computer Science and Engineering,Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,Yibin 644000,China
2. College of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,Yibin 644000,China
3. College of Automation and Information Engineering,Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,Yibin 644000,China