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SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  2023, Vol. 43 Issue (11): 3445-3451    DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2023)11-3445-07
A SERS-Aptsensor for Detection of Chloramphenicol Based on DNA Hybridization Indicator and Silver Nanorod Array Chip
GUO He-yuanxi1, LI Li-jun1*, FENG Jun1, 2*, LIN Xin1, LI Rui1
1. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Green Processing of Sugar Resources, School of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006, China
2. Faculty of Medicine,Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545005, China