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2013 Vol. 33, No. 06
Published: 01 June 2013

1441 Study on Characteristics of Elements in PM2.5 during Haze-Fog Weather in Winter in Urban Beijing
WANG Qin, CHEN Xi, HE Gong-li, LIN Shao-bin, LIU Zhe, XU Dong-qun*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1441-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1441-1445 [Abstract] ( 758 ) PDF (1387 KB)  ( 846 )
1446 Color Genesis of Brown Jade from Hetian Nephrite
HAN Wen1, HONG Han-lie1*, WU Yu2, YIN Ke1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1446-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1446-1450 [Abstract] ( 768 ) PDF (1495 KB)  ( 907 )
1451 Study of Stimulated Raman Scattering and Four Wave Mixing in an Optical Fiber Combination
TAN Yong, HUANG Qiu-shi, SONG Xue-di, CAI Hong-xing, SUN Xiu-ping, Lü Yan-fei, ZHANG Xi-he*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1451-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1451-1455 [Abstract] ( 970 ) PDF (1865 KB)  ( 550 )
1456 Study on Effect of Source Voltage on the Accuracy of Quantitative Spectral Analysis Based on “M+N” Theory
LI Gang1,2, LI Zhe1,2, LI Xiao-xia3, LIN Ling1,2, ZHANG Bao-ju4, WANG Wei4*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1456-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1456-1461 [Abstract] ( 859 ) PDF (1622 KB)  ( 556 )
1462 A Theoretical Modeling of Light Absorption and Scattering Properties about Microcystis Aeruginosa
DAI Hong-liang, Lü Heng*, LI Yun-mei, ZHA Gui-hong, LI Xiao-jun, WANG Yu
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1462-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1462-1467 [Abstract] ( 906 ) PDF (2051 KB)  ( 557 )
1468 Depth Profile Analysis for Irregular and Unknown Sample by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
ZHANG Yong1, 2, JIA Yun-hai1, 2*, CHEN Ji-wen1, 2, SHEN Xue-jing1, 2, ZHAO Lei1, 2, LI Dong-ling1, 2, LIU Ying3, HAN Peng-cheng1, 2, CHEN Yong-yan1, 2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1468-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1468-1472 [Abstract] ( 921 ) PDF (2193 KB)  ( 421 )
1473 Investigation on Laser-Induced Coal Particle Flow Plasma Properties Acquired with Different Collection Angles
ZHANG Xi1, LU Ji-dong2*, PAN Gang2, PAN Feng-ping1, CHEN Shi-he1, YAO Shun-chun2, LUO Jia1, LU Wei-ye2, ZHONG Zi-ming2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1473-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1473-1476 [Abstract] ( 757 ) PDF (2180 KB)  ( 569 )
1477 Experimental Study on the Non-Resonant Signal of the CARS Process in Mixture
HOU Guo-hui, YIN Jun, JING Li-qing, LIU Wei, LIN Zi-yang, NIU Han-ben*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1477-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1477-1480 [Abstract] ( 666 ) PDF (1479 KB)  ( 498 )
1481 A Resolution to the Hydroxy Types of Nephrite and Its Near Infrared Spectroscopy
ZHI Ying-xue1, 2, 3, LIAO Zong-ting2, 3, ZHOU Zheng-yu1, 2, 3*, ZHAO Bo-wen2, 3, WANG Bin2, 3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1481-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1481-1486 [Abstract] ( 828 ) PDF (1784 KB)  ( 603 )
1487 On the Interaction between PVP and Europium Benzenesulfonate
LIU Jun1,2, LIU Shao-xuan2, GAO Yun-long2,3, FAN Xiao-kun2,4, GUAN Yan2, WENG Shi-fu2, YANG Zhan-lan2, XU Yi-zhuang2*, WU Jin-guang2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1487-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1487-1490 [Abstract] ( 716 ) PDF (1495 KB)  ( 481 )
1491 Study of Roof Greening’s Effect on Thermal Environment by Using Infrared Thermography
ZHENG Xing1, 2, YANG Zhen-jing1, 2, LIU Bao-hua3, ZHENG Xiao-kai3, FAN Wei3, GUAN Qing-qing3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1491-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1491-1495 [Abstract] ( 1000 ) PDF (2490 KB)  ( 459 )
1496 Investigations on Colorectum Cancer Cell Lines and Nucleus by FTIR Spectroscopy
ZHANG Chao1, SUN Xue-jun1*, LIU Dong1, LIU Wei3, ZHENG Jian-bao1, DU Jun-kai1, LING Xiao-feng4, ZHANG Yuan-fu2, XU Yi-zhuang2, WU Jin-guang2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1496-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1496-1500 [Abstract] ( 828 ) PDF (1456 KB)  ( 536 )
1501 Study on Discrimination Method of Maize Seed Viability Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
GUO Ting-ting, XU Li, LIU Jin, XU Xiao-wei, DONG Xin, CHEN Shao-jiang*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1501-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1501-1505 [Abstract] ( 677 ) PDF (1316 KB)  ( 425 )
1506 Infrared and Visible Images Fusion Based on Tetrolet Transform
SHEN Yu1, DANG Jian-wu1, FENG Xin2, WANG Yang-ping1, HOU Yue1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1506-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1506-1511 [Abstract] ( 809 ) PDF (2347 KB)  ( 598 )
1512 Infrared Spectra Modeling of Insoluble Dietary Fiber Content in Moso Bamboo Shoot Based on Autoencoder Network Manifold Learning
YU Xin-jie1, YIN Jiao-jiao1,3, YU Xin1, HE Yong2*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1512-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1512-1516 [Abstract] ( 879 ) PDF (4863 KB)  ( 404 )
1517 Study on the Model of Six Components in Tobacco Using OSC-PCR
WU Li-jun1, TIAN Kuang-da1, LI Qian-qian1, LI Zu-hong2, QIU Kai-xian1, MIN Shun-geng1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1517-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1517-1520 [Abstract] ( 787 ) PDF (1715 KB)  ( 542 )
1521 Ammonia Concentration Detection System for Mainstream Smoke of Tobacco Based on Characteristic Infrared Absorption Method
LI Yuan, CHEN Zhi-gang, LI Kai
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1521-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1521-1524 [Abstract] ( 990 ) PDF (1135 KB)  ( 501 )
1525 Identification of Dust Source Using Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
DU Chang-wen, ZHOU Jian-min, SHEN Ya-zhen
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1525-03
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1525-1527 [Abstract] ( 809 ) PDF (1292 KB)  ( 600 )
1528 Early Rapid Detection of Clubroot of Chinese Cabbage Using FTIR Spectroscopy
LI Jin-ping, CHAI A-li, SHI Yan-xia, XIE Xue-wen, LI Bao-ju*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1528-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1528-1531 [Abstract] ( 924 ) PDF (1296 KB)  ( 483 )
1532 Application of Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Rapid and Non-Invasive Quantification of Adulterants in Fish Oil
ZHANG Yu1,2, TAN Li-hong1, CAO Fang2, HE Yong2*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1532-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1532-1536 [Abstract] ( 766 ) PDF (1602 KB)  ( 567 )
1537 Study on Near Infrared Spectroscopy of Transgenic Soybean Identification Based on Principal Component Analysis and Neural Network
WU Jiang1, HUANG Fu-rong1*, HUANG Cai-huan2, ZHANG Jun1, CHEN Xing-dan1, 3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1537-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1537-1541 [Abstract] ( 690 ) PDF (1323 KB)  ( 627 )
1542 Rapid Nondestructive Detection of Phosphate Content in Hairtail Surimi and Surimi-Based Food (Kamaboko)
DONG Ruo-yan, WANG Xi-chang, LIU Yuan*, WANG Xiao-yan, WU Hao
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1542-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1542-1546 [Abstract] ( 1056 ) PDF (1810 KB)  ( 494 )
1547 Research on the Substrates of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) and Their Applications to Biomedicine and Environmental Analysis
DONG Qian-min, YANG Yan-min, LIANG Pei, LI Xiao-yan, WANG Le
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1547-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1547-1552 [Abstract] ( 802 ) PDF (2381 KB)  ( 907 )
1553 Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Serum from Breast Cancer Patients Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectrum
GUO Li1, ZHANG Yi1*, Lü Jin-yan2, GAO Wen-bin2, WU Shi-fa1, WANG Ruo-yu2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1553-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1553-1556 [Abstract] ( 1010 ) PDF (1324 KB)  ( 496 )
1557 Raman Spectra of Aragonite and Calcite at High Temperature and High Pressure
FU Pei-ge, ZHENG Hai-fei*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1557-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1557-1561 [Abstract] ( 1071 ) PDF (3136 KB)  ( 803 )
1562 Characteristics of Raman Spectra of Minerals in Gouge of the Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone
XIE Chao1, 2, ZHOU Ben-gang1*, DU Jian-guo2, YI Li2, CHEN Zheng-wei2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1562-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1562-1565 [Abstract] ( 964 ) PDF (1441 KB)  ( 529 )
1566 Raman Spectral Analysis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Nasopharyngeal Normal Cell Lines Based on Support Vector Machines
SUN Lei1, CHEN Yang1*, HUANG Yang-wen2, OU Lin3, SU Ying4, FENG Shang-yuan3, LEI Jin-ping3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1566-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1566-1569 [Abstract] ( 874 ) PDF (1239 KB)  ( 460 )
1570 Infrared and Raman Spectral Analysis of Alliin and Methiin
WANG Xiao, LIU Han-ping*, ZENG Chang-chun, LIU Song-hao
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1570-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1570-1574 [Abstract] ( 1190 ) PDF (1374 KB)  ( 593 )
1575 Identification of Pu’er Ripe Teas with Different Origins and Fermentation Years by Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
ZHANG Ling1, ZHAO Yan-ping1*, FENG Ya-dong2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1575-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1575-1580 [Abstract] ( 957 ) PDF (2853 KB)  ( 578 )
1581 A Fast Algorithm to Find the Largest Inner Circle of a Complex Polygon
SHEN Zhan-feng1, Yongwei Sheng2, LUO Jian-cheng1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1581-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1581-1586 [Abstract] ( 561 ) PDF (1642 KB)  ( 858 )
1587 Application of BP Neural Network in Predicting Winter Wheat Yield Based on Thermography Technology
HU Zhen-fang1, ZHANG Lu-da2, WANG Yu-xuan3, Shamaila Z3, ZENG Ai-jun2, SONG Jian-li2, LIU Ya-jia2, Wolfram S3, Joachim M3, HE Xiong-kui1,2*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1587-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1587-1592 [Abstract] ( 1022 ) PDF (1549 KB)  ( 534 )
1593 Reflectance Analysis of Seasonal Snow Based on Field Measurement in Fuyun County, Xinjiang Province
LI Yun1,2, ZHAO Shu-he1,2*, FENG Xue-zhi1,2, XIAO Peng-feng1,2, LIANG Ji3, WANG Jian-geng1,2, LI Hong-xing3, YAN Li-li3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1593-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1593-1597 [Abstract] ( 1010 ) PDF (1656 KB)  ( 537 )
1598 Spectral Characteristics of Alpine Grassland During Degradation Process in the Source Region of Yarlung Zangbo
LIU Bo1, SHEN Wei-shou1*, LI Ru2, YANG Zhao-ping1, LIN Nai-feng1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1598-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1598-1602 [Abstract] ( 937 ) PDF (1749 KB)  ( 636 )
1603 Study on the Early Detection of Early Blight on Tomato Leaves Using Hyperspectral Imaging Technique Based on Spectroscopy and Texture
XIE Chuan-qi1, WANG Jia-yue2, FENG Lei1, LIU Fei1, WU Di1,3, HE Yong1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1603-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1603-1607 [Abstract] ( 998 ) PDF (1974 KB)  ( 446 )
1608 Differentiation of Yellow Rust and Powdery Mildew in Winter Wheat and Retrieving of Disease Severity Based on Leaf Level Spectral Analysis
YUAN Lin1, 2, ZHANG Jing-cheng1, 2, ZHAO Jin-ling1, HUANG Wen-jiang3, WANG Ji-hua1, 2*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1608-07
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1608-1614 [Abstract] ( 1002 ) PDF (1948 KB)  ( 904 )
1615 Research on Degradation of Benz[a]pyrene by Potassium Ferrate Using Fluorescence Polarization Excitation Emission Matrix (PEEM)
LI Si1, 2, YU Dan-ni1,HE Qiang1, ZHOU Guang-ming3, JI Fang-ying1*, TAN Xue-mei1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1615-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1615-1618 [Abstract] ( 1021 ) PDF (1870 KB)  ( 394 )
1619 PARAFAC Method Used for Analysis of Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra of DOM in Taihu Lake
ZHU Peng1, 2, 3, HUA Zu-lin2, 3, LI Hui-min4
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1619-07
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1619-1625 [Abstract] ( 932 ) PDF (3825 KB)  ( 453 )
1626 Identification of Adulterated Honey Based on Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectra Technology
ZHAO Jie-wen, HAN Xiao-yan, CHEN Quan-sheng*, OUYANG Qin
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1626-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1626-1630 [Abstract] ( 1142 ) PDF (2391 KB)  ( 898 )
1631 Luminescence Properties of a Natural Orthoclase
ZHOU Rui1, 2, 3, WEI Ming-jian1, 2, 3*, LIU Jun-xin1,3, ZHANG Bin1, HU Xiao-ting4, SONG Bo1, ZHAO Qiu-yue1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1631-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1631-1635 [Abstract] ( 1001 ) PDF (2432 KB)  ( 515 )
1636 Study on Ink Restriction of Ink-Jet Printing Based on Spectral Gamut Maximization
LIU Qiang, WAN Xiao-xia*, XU Hong-ping
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1636-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1636-1641 [Abstract] ( 896 ) PDF (2331 KB)  ( 441 )
1642 Study on Spectroscopy and Third-Order Optical Nonlinear Characteristics of Ag-Nanoparticles Embedded Bismuthate Glass
CHENG Jun-wen1,3, CHEN Fei-fei1,3, DAI Shi-xun1,3*, XU Yin-sheng2,3, TAN Rui-qin1,3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1642-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1642-1646 [Abstract] ( 667 ) PDF (1885 KB)  ( 502 )
1647 Integration of Spatial-Spectral Information Based Endmember Extraction for Hyperspectral Image
KONG Xiang-bing1, 2, SHU Ning1, GONG Yan1, WANG Kai1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1647-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1647-1652 [Abstract] ( 995 ) PDF (2129 KB)  ( 457 )
1653 Hyperspectral Unstructured Background Target Detection Approach Based on Object-Oriented Analysis
LIU Kai1, ZHANG Li-fu1*, YANG Hang1, ZHU Hai-tao1, JIANG Hai-ling2, LI Yao1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1653-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1653-1657 [Abstract] ( 1054 ) PDF (2235 KB)  ( 548 )
1658 Research on Model of Soil Salinization Monitoring Based on Hyperspectral Index and EM38
YAO Yuan1, 2, DING Jian-li1, 2*, ZHANG Fang1, 2, ZHAO Zhen-liang1, 2, JIANG Hong-nan1, 2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1658-07
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1658-1664 [Abstract] ( 987 ) PDF (4241 KB)  ( 490 )
1665 Polarized Hyperspectral Inversion Model of Chlorophyll in the Lake Water
PAN Bang-long1, 2, 3, WANG Xian-hua1, 3, ZHU Jin1, 3, YI Wei-ning1, 3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1665-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1665-1669 [Abstract] ( 305 ) PDF (1632 KB)  ( 660 )
1670 A Method for Water Body Adaptive Extraction from Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Local End Member Spectral Characterization
ZHANG Xin1, ZHU Chang-ming2, LUO Jian-cheng1, LI Wan-qing3, YANG Ji-wei3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1670-08
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1670-1677 [Abstract] ( 1025 ) PDF (4255 KB)  ( 528 )
1678 Study of Allocations of 12 Essential Elements under Simulated Warming and Nitrogen Deposition in a Mongolian Traditional Drug, Agi, Artemisia Frigida Willd
BORJIGIDAI Almaz1, 2, ZHUANG Li1, 2, XI Yi1, 2, LI Ya-wei1, 2, GAO Qing-zhu3, 4, HUANG Yong-mei5, PANG Zong-ran1, 2, CUI Jian1, 2*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1678-06
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1678-1683 [Abstract] ( 1009 ) PDF (2533 KB)  ( 566 )
1684 Research on and Application of the ICP Detection Technology for the Quality of High-Purity Quartz
WANG Ling1, LI Cai-xia1, 2, WANG Yan1, XU Jin-yong3, DUAN Jiong-ran1, DANG Chen-ping1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1684-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1684-1688 [Abstract] ( 936 ) PDF (1142 KB)  ( 561 )
1689 Fe(Ⅲ) Modified Sodium Alginate Beads Based Micro-Extraction in Combination with Hydride Generation-Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HG-AFS) for Speciation Analysis of Inorganic As(Ⅲ) and As(Ⅴ) in Water Samples
PENG Xiao-li1, XU Fang1*, BIAN Jing1, ZHANG Wen-zhong1, WU Yi2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1689-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1689-1692 [Abstract] ( 979 ) PDF (1191 KB)  ( 483 )
1693 Sensitive Determination of Bovine Serum Albumin by Flow-Injection Chemiluminescence
DU Jun-jun1, WANG Hui1, REN Shu-wei2, ZHOU Min1, LIU Ying-ying1, LIU Yan-ming1*
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1693-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1693-1696 [Abstract] ( 1071 ) PDF (1422 KB)  ( 491 )
1697 Spectral Identification of Fingerprint Spectrum of Loess of Arid Farmland in Northwest China
FAN Chun-hui1, HE Lei1, ZHANG Ying-chao2, WANG Jia-hong1, MA Hong-rui1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1697-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1697-1700 [Abstract] ( 969 ) PDF (1300 KB)  ( 570 )
1701 Line Index Stellar Atmospheric Physical Parameter Measurement Based on Artificial Neural Network
TAN Xin1, PAN Jing-chang1*, WANG Jie1, LUO A-li2, TU Liang-ping3
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1701-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1701-1705 [Abstract] ( 994 ) PDF (2348 KB)  ( 652 )
1706 Optical Design of High-Resolution Echelle-Prism Cross-Dispersion
ZHANG Yin-xin1, YANG Huai-dong2, DENG Chao1, HUANG Zhan-hua1, JIN Guo-fan2
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1706-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1706-1710 [Abstract] ( 945 ) PDF (2053 KB)  ( 543 )
1711 The Application of Improved GMDH Network to the Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Analyzer
LI Fei, GE Liang-quan*, LUO Yao-yao, ZHANG Qing-xian, GU Yi
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1711-03
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1711-1713 [Abstract] ( 846 ) PDF (1218 KB)  ( 537 )
1714 In-Situ Instrument for Rapid Detection of Nitrates and Nitrites in Water
LI Cai1, GUI Jing-chuan1, 2, SUN Ling-yan1, 2, CAO Wen-xi1, SUN Zhao-hua1, YANG Yue-zhong1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1714-05
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1714-1718 [Abstract] ( 985 ) PDF (1780 KB)  ( 907 )
1719 Development of Multi-Spectral Thermometer for Explosion Flame True Temperature Measurement——Field Experiments and Measurement Accuracy Analysis
SUN Kun1, 2, SUN Xiao-gang3, YU Xiao-yang1, SUN Xiao-ming1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1719-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1719-1722 [Abstract] ( 973 ) PDF (1590 KB)  ( 606 )
1723 Research on the Anti-Random Error Abilities of the Two Non-Source Temperature Calibration Methods of Multi-Spectral Pyrometer
SUN Kun1, 2, SUN Xiao-gang3, YU Xiao-yang1
DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2013)06-1723-04
2013 Vol. 33 (06): 1723-1726 [Abstract] ( 821 ) PDF (951 KB)  ( 584 )