光谱学与光谱分析 |
In Situ Measurement of the Permeability of Concrete by FTIR-MIR |
LIN Jun-ren,LIN Zhong-yu,DU Rong-gui,LIN Chang-jian* |
State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Department of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China |
Abstract Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with multiple internal reflection mode (FTIR-MIR) has been applied for the first time to measure the permeability of concrete. The effect of water-cement ratio and curing time on the microstructure and permeability of concrete was studied. Also, the penetration process of H2O and SO2-4 through the concrete specimens was investigated. The results indicated that the movement of H2O through unsaturated concrete was mainly caused by capillary suction and the movement of SO2-4 through unsaturated concrete should take into account diffusion, advection caused by a capillary suction flow and the reaction between SO2-4 and the cement hydration products. The permeability of concrete was determined by its microstructure. With the decrease in water-cement ratio and the increase in curing time, the porosity and the connectivity of pores in concrete decreased, which resulted in the decrease of concrete permeability.
Received: 2010-06-11
Accepted: 2010-10-06
Corresponding Authors:
LIN Chang-jian
E-mail: cjlin@xmu.edu.cn
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