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SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  2024, Vol. 44 Issue (07): 1918-1927    DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2024)07-1918-10
Hyperspectral Imaging Technology Combined With Ensemble Learning for Nitrogen Detection in Dendrobium nobile
KUANG Run1, 2, 3, 4, LONG Teng1, 3, 4, LIU Hai-lin2, WU Ji-hui1, 3, 4, LÜ Jin-sheng1, 3, 4, XIE Zi-ran1, 3, 4, LIU Wen-tao1, 3, 4, LAN Yu-bin1, 3, 4, LONG Yong-bing1, 3, 4, WANG Zai-hua2*, ZHAO Jing1, 3, 4*
1. College of Electronic Engineering (College of Artificial Intelligence), South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
2. Environmental Horticulture Research Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Ornamental Plant Germplasm Innovation and Utilization, Guangzhou 510640, China
3. National Center for International Collaboration Research on Precision Agricultural Aviation Pesticides Spraying Technology, Guangzhou 510642, China
4. Guangdong Laboratory for Lingnan Modern Agriculture, Guangzhou 510642, China