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SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS  2021, Vol. 41 Issue (08): 2450-2454    DOI: 10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2021)08-2450-05
On-Line Spectral Analysis of Crotonaldehyde Content in Cigarette Mainstream Smoke
QIN Yun-hua1,2, GAO Lei3, LI Chao1, LONG Yu-jiao4, ZHU Ming4, CHEN Da2*
1. Technology Center of China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co., Ltd., Kunming 650023, China
2. School of Precision Instruments & Opto-Electronics, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
3. China Kunlun Engineering Co., Ltd.,Jilin Branch, Jilin 132000, China
4. Hongyunhonghe Tobacco Group Co., Ltd.,Kunming 650231, China