Applications of Fabry-Perot Interferometer in Remote Sensing Detection |
JIN Kang1, ZHANG Nan1, LIU Bing2* |
1. Institute of Modern Optics, College of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China
2. Department of Disease Control and Prevention, Rocket Force Characteristic Medical Center, Beijing 100088, China
Abstract Remote spectral detection is an important way to explore large-scale space and matter, which plays critical roles in astronomy, meteorology, and the deep sea. However, detecting remote and often weak spectra poses high requirements for the performance of spectrometers. According to the spectral performance evaluation standard proposed by Jacquinot, compared with other spectral systems (grating spectrometer, prism spectrometer, etc.), the Fabry Perot (F-P) interferometer has a large aperture and high spectral resolution, which possesses the intrinsic advantage in the field of remote weak light detection. Since Fabry first used the F-P interferometer for astronomical observation in 1914, the F-P interferometer has been widely used in remote spectral measurement, and various improved F-P interferometers have been developed in recent years. Traditional F-P interferometers mainly face three problems when used in remote spectral detection: narrow free spectral range, difficult installation and adjustment of large aperture F-P interferometers, and unconcentrated spectral energy induced by the circular interference structures. This article introduces three typical improved F-P interferometers, including the cascaded F-P interferometer that greatly extends the free spectral range, the rotating scanning F-P interferometer that eases the adjustment and is suitable for extreme environments,and the circle-to-line interferometer optical system(CLIO) that converts interference rings to interference lines with improved energy concentration.This article provides a systematic summary of the important applications of the F-P interferometer in meteorology, astronomy, and the deep sea. In meteorology, a large-aperture F-P interferometer for measuring wind speeds in the atmosphere's mesosphere and thermosphere was introduced, and a German Heisenberg high-precision F-P interferometer for measuring trace gases and their isotopes in the atmosphere was also presented. In astronomy, a cascaded F-P interferometer designed by the University of Wisconsin in the United States for studying interstellar material emission lines was introduced. In the field of oceanography, the main application examples of domestic F-P interferometers for measuring Brillouin scattering were introduced, including the underwater Brillouin scattering system designed by Beijing Normal University in 2004 and the spaceborne Brillouin scattering system designed by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2021. Finally, this article proposes that spectral recognition accuracy and thermal stability are difficulties that need to be solved in the future applications of F-P interferometers in remote spectral measurement.
Received: 2023-04-21
Accepted: 2023-10-30
Corresponding Authors:
LIU Bing
E-mail: neaucn@126.com
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