张倩1, 杨颖1,*, 刘刚1,2,3, 吴潇1, 宁远霖1

Detection of Dairy Cow Mastitis From Thermal Images by Data Enhancement and Improved ResNet34
ZHANG Qian1, YANG Ying1,*, LIU Gang1,2,3, WU Xiao1, NING Yuan-lin1
改进ResNet34模型结构 BN: 批归一化; Conv卷积层; C: 通道数; k: 卷积尺寸; ReLU: 激活函数; Downsample: 下采样; Layer: 网络层; Flatten: 展平层; Linear: 线性层; Pool: 池化层; input: 输入数据; output: 分类结果